Turn Up the Heat in Season of Discovery: Molten Core

I really hate when RPGs have RPG elements, I’m glad I’m super smart and advocated for this change

I love MMO-RPGs!!!

This is not entirely accurate. To be very very clear, the items in Molten Core never increase in quality or power level as the heat level increases. The only difference is that weapons that drop in Molten/Heat 3 will have an extra glow effect that is cosmetic only. The stats and damage are identical and these are, for all intents, the exact same items. You will never be gated in your access to the best quality/most powerful items by not killing bosses on Heat 3.

The “additional drops” simply means that due to the increased difficulty, preparation, and time investment required for Heat 3, we’ve redistributed some (not all) loot tables slightly so that some drops that normally only come in the later parts of the raid have a small chance to also drop from some earlier bosses. There are a scant handful of items and loot tables that have been changed in this way between Blistering and Molten heat and this won’t be very impactful to your overall rate of gear acquisition between Blistering and Molten.

We felt it was important to really spell out our expectations here. We fully expect most groups to be capable of Blistering/Heat 2 and that will be where we expect the majority of groups to spend most of their time. Molten/Heat 3 is meant to be something you do “to say you did it” for the most part. The “extra” rewards such as they are are not massively significant, by design.


Thank you. Fyi, you have a literal discord full of GDKPers that push this stuff here 24/7, purely brcause theyre salty they cant run GDKPs anymore.

Theyd have tried desperately to push that AMG HEET GIEV NU ITAM crap incessantly.

Thank you very much for the clarification the wording from additional drops to additional items is what caused me to be worried you guys strayed from initial stance

WoW players reading half a post and not freaking out challenge: impossible.

To back off from insulting the player base though I think this is an excellent first step forward for the SoD team when it comes to tackling level 60 content. The earlier phases always had the major drawback (though with the added benefit of making niche items more viable) of being leveling phases primarily, you had incomplete builds to work with and largely relied on the Runes to make a build work. Now, we’re level 60 - We can start biting into the main course of what Vanilla is about for many people.

And while I (like many) am hesitant at the quality of the updates, I’m personally very excited that they’re trying something new. This is a seasonal server, and I’m happy for experimental changes to come for the seasonal builds of the game, even if MC’s Heat Levels aren’t successful, I hope they provide good data for the team to work through later on with further iterations of this “heroic-esque” system. I think them making the higher tiers of difficulty purely cosmetic as opposed to an opportunity for additional power is them finally listening to many players’ feedback from over the years, and is very in line with Vanilla. I think it would be a mistake to power creep each tier too much, as Naxx should still be the end-all-be-all of Vanilla (at least, for now. They haven’t announced any new raids for SoD, but I’m still holding on to hope).

I’m excited to see how MC/Molten Heat Molten Core ends up, and I hope that this gives us the opportunity for new bosses added to later raids, as well.

The extra boss being gated behind Heat 3 isn’t going to sit well with a lot of players.

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what’s the problem?

Oh no - Players putting in the most work, effort, and time get one extra boss that gives no unique loot or items and drops exclusively items dropped from other bosses in the raid! What will we casuals ever do?!?

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I’m confident my guild will be hitting up Heat 3 in the coming weeks, but it is new content being gated which is just about as bad as if there was better loot.

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It says “a few additional items available from later in the Raid.” this likely means that items that drop off later bosses can drop off earlier bosses. So if you do lucy on heat 3 they can maybe drop like quick strike ring

The dads will manage lmfao

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So According to Datamines, the unique weapon skins are limited strictly to melee weapons and no caster weapons had the cool cosmetic. Is this an oversight by the team or was casters not given a cool unique skin by design? Kinda sucks to be a caster and not have a cool cosmetic to look forward to for completing the hardest mode like melee are gonna be getting.

I’m puzzled why multiple 2h weapons got Molten versions. BRE, sure, because it’s a weapon that maintains a place in PvP but otherwise anyone with a 2h will ultimately want HoR.

be glad your getting a molten effect, so far casters aren’t even getting one.

We really need a better way to get Librams of Resilience, drop rate is crazy low

Here’s hoping you get one to look forward to. :beers:

Not going to lie, this is a much healthier to deal with loot with multiple difficulties than having catchup gear every patch.

More loot, faster loot acquisition and better looking loot for prestige and not more powerful loot, that’s the way it should have been in World of Warcraft since WOTLK.

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Will there be Unique skins for caster weapons?

The top players will want to farm heat 3 to get the extra boss for the extra loot. even if its 2-4 extra pieces every reset over time that is going to add up.

Can’t wait thanks Blizzard!