Turn Up the Heat in Season of Discovery: Molten Core

Can’t wait thanks Blizzard!

Good luck to all those that do make it to heat level 3 should be some fun epic times.

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“”Because this boss will be tricky and require progression through the rest of Molten Core on the highest difficulty, the boss will NOT drop unique or exclusive loot . Instead, he will drop tier gear tokens and a chance at a few other exciting items, but all gear can be obtained elsewhere in the Molten Core.“”

the heat 3 items are probably just dumb cosmetic ones dude, like a baby rag pet or some such nonsense :expressionless:
don’t worry, they heard you loud and clear and will cater to your retail sensibilities.

yeah I distinctly remember stacking nature resist for huhuran back in 2006. good times :expressionless:

We agree, actually. We are sending a hotfix very soon to add a chance for Librams of Resilence to drop from certain Blackrock Depths and Blackrock Spire bosses, and increase the liklihood you get Burning Essence from the Dark Coffer in Blackrock Depths. This should help make these items a bit more available, but still require the same process and ceremony to complete the arcanum.

I want to also take this opportunity to also clarify that the fire resistance numbers listed in the blog post are fully buffed. So that ~100 fire resistance breakpoint for Blistering/Heat 2 only requires you to have ~40 unbuffed if you have a shaman or paladin in your group. For many classes that is a single item and the new +20 Fire Resist cloak enchant from Hydraxian Waterlords reputation. For Molten/Heat 3 you’ll need to do a bit more prep and that is intended, but as alluded in my previous post, Heat 2 should be very approachable for almost anyone.


Please don’t severely nerf the instance if you overtune it and people cant clear it week 1. Let people struggle. Nerfing ST was the worst thing you did to keep people interested.

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So I have a question regarding the Molten cosmetics. Are people going to farm the same weapons in MC just for the skins or is your weapon upgraded to molten if you complete Heat lvl 3?

Will the heatwaves affect the trash at all? Like would we see more quality drops off trash on higher heatwaves? Just curious on what route to go in terms of trash farming.

What about King Mosh spawns? Double server reset really screwed getting another recipe unfortunately.


Hey Aggrend,

What about the extremely low respawn rate on King Mosh? Single copies of Devilcore recipes on most servers even after camping every layer on the realm 24/7. We don’t have Devilcore on Alliance at all still.



Just adding FR requirements is dumb.

I hope you know making a ‘hardmode’ just be wear 3-4 pieces of gear nobody wants to wear is dumb.


Any chance of doing something similar for Devilcore recipes? I’ve been camping King Mosh for the past 2 days, and haven’t seen him once. I can’t be here 24/7. It doesn’t feel fun. Maybe giving all Devilsaurs (Tyrant, Ironhide, and regular) a decent, but not 100%, chance to drop the recipes too?

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That’s so nice of you guys to do that!

Now, could you please fix Warlock Pets? We have been dealing with this for months now and no one will even acknowledge our issues with our pets…

I honestly can’t believe they thought they were cookin’ when the cool new game mode is just wear fire resist.

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Pretty sure it’s not that simple or easy, that would be stupid; just stack FR and it become as easy as Heat lvl 1, yeah I don’t think so.

Awesome, thank you! This seems like a really good way to help and encourage more dungeon runs

You mean like every form of classic wow ever that had a resistance check? Play retail.

Please make Decilvcore patterns accessible thru Real vendor or something. Idk why you guys put the most important crafted FR pieces for melee on King mosh(rare mob), and hold entire server hostage by Devilcore mafias and have them control the market.

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I think having certain bosses requiring resist is fine, making the whole raid wear resist gear for all of molten core is dumb and boring.

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