Tuning hotfixes coming today - October 22

I just tried this out in PvP and its gotta be the worst dps in the game to play LOL. What were they thinking?

you know what’s wild? ret is worse enough now that prot is doing almost as much damage :slight_smile:

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…nerfing blood is easily the dumbest thing I’ve seen you devs do in a very long time. Blood already does pitiful damage. But I guess some streamer somewhere pulled some nifty gimmicky things and you saw a 2.1 mil reaper hit and assumed it meant it needed a nerf. You sure you didn’t just see a screenshot of them hitting a TBC mob or something?

Even the frost nerfs are silly because for YEARS frost has been crap.


you’re overthinking blizzard, they didn’t think about it at all, they just randomly assumed the numbers would be too big because it was too big for frost.

No one deserves to be overpowered, frost DK has been consistently strong/mid pack, and it’s a 2% nerf which is a slap on the wrist for the class doing 20% more in consistent AOE than anyone else.

It’s insane what people think should be allowed.


yoooo i did too! awesome. lol

don’t worry, ele is stronger now than fdk was yesterday :slight_smile:

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Trash. None of you devs know what you’re doing. The Paladin tree rework was trash. Us HOLY PRIESTS literally top HPS charts with HALO alone.

Yall are bad at ur jerbs

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What is going on with the class design team?

Are teams independently making changes to live and patch content?

How come all the class changes and tuning are being released in an incomplete and buggy state?

Why are there laundry lists of bugs on classes going months without fixes?

Why isn’t the PTR up to date and being utilized?

How is it possible that buffs and nerfs in the double digits are being missed/implemented.

Why can a five minute rotation on target dummies identify tuning and rotational issues that have been in the works for over a month?

How is it possible that there isn’t a dedicated developer for each class in the game?


still waiting for more nerfs in m+ and xalathas affix fixes. orbs bug around. go into the ground or fly over caps directly to the npcs. spawn on 3rd boss in echo where you have to bubble soak.

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A huge quality of life improvement would be Remorseless Winter fully replace Death and Decay for Frost Death Knight. Please, make it real :pray:


I would love DnD to be gone or baked into another spell

slight nerf? They were okay in single target and completely broken in AOE. No one should be doing 12 million dps on aoe packs.

hello frost dks welcome to every patch note for fury warriors for weeks on end lmao


This is fine, at 80.

This change hurts lower level arcane mages. Not your intention, and not good. Please make adjustments to overperforming hero talents, not the base class.


The overarching point of these changes that warrented a 10% nerf was that Mage hero talents were dogwater and needed massive buffs.

Reverting nerfs to the base strength of Mage and buffs to the hero talents of Mages would defeat the purpose.

Also its sub 80 content. You’re not not killing stuff because of 10% damage.

Theyre all pink/blue haired gen Z sweet baby inc rejects now. Of course theyre ruining our game, just like theyre ruining our society.


here’s a nifty idea- instead of always nerfing something, how about you buff the others? players like seeing big numbers; let everyone enjoy playing the game for once.


Lmao, its not entitlement to make someone who is being so correct themselves or to chastise them for it.

This attitude is why we end up needing level squishes and why everyone is doing 1billion dmg and nothing can be balanced.