After 20 years of balance, I don’t see it happening, maybe after 30 years they’ll figure it out lol
This junk is why you don’t balance around the cancer of m+ and it needs to be removed from the game as a whole. Stop trying to balance purely for the 1% that tries to push m+ to the limit. You all could solve alot of this foolishness if you would just balance all of the DPS specs within 5% of so of the other and call it a day. That and stop fixing things that aren’t broken.
You can’t make people play in a way they don’t want to play and this is just asinine. Ridiculous that 95% of the game gets screwed because of the 5% that play m+. If you want to kill metas you buff the underperforming classes, not punish the others for the crime of being good.
Now cut Shadow crash CD in half and we’ll have ourselves a patch boys.
This was the real solution, so it wasn’t done
because they don’t want to do the extra math and want to micromanage how many play each class.
6% nerf to blood, 2.5% nerf to frost
Lmao blizz… frost targeted nerfs affecting blood more…
Give us an aura buff next week with your “additional class changes” …
hahaha, receive the arms warrior treatment when they nerfed fury warrior and also nerfed arms warrior
Thanks…… instead of buffing San’Lyn to make it more viable you nerf the only real viable hero spec for bdk………… 10/10 smrt choice also carved plates gives us a viable option in that box there is no other viable option in that one box.
Holding out hope for some Holy Priest rework action and Restoration Druid buffs… It’s not going to happen but one can dream.
Man they destroyed windfury and stormstrike looks like enhancement is back in the trash.
how about reverting some of the fury warrior nerfs. Fury warriors are now the worst spec in the game arms is second the only viable warrior spec atm is protection fury which is aoe centric is 500k dps lower than than everyone else in mplus blizzard you over did it with the nerfs some we did need some but not that much lol
Went from 850k-1m overall at 595 ilvl to 700k overall roughly lol
You talking about frost? Because even after this nerfs he is still 1.09% at a buff in simulations.
Literally destroyed dark ranger for hunters, you actually had it balanced on ST when comparing performance versus paper with marksmanship. Now it feels okayish but the damage is SO much worse it hurts, if you’re going to force lock us into sentinel at least let our bird circle move to our current target actively
can you reverse the sanlayn change for bdk?
this hero talent sucks now.
I was wondering about this. My enhance shaman is almost simming 50-100k less than last week. Either the raidbots website is screwed or enhancement got the nerfs already pre handed.
uggg i usually never post …but these blood dk nerfs are hard …my melee damage is higher than reapers mark …im gonna have to take out of my rotation …if i play it all that is…worthless is in pvp as well …not like it wasnt worthless already …gonna go do something else for now goodbye blizzard
You know aug is still beating Fury in ST?
he is right aug is a support class and SHOULD NOT BE out dpsing an actual dps spec.
Yeah. The exterminate and wave of souls initial nerf is noticeable. Think a lot of it may have to deal with the change to the hero talents like Grim Reaper: Reapers Mark explosion deals up to 30% more damage based on targets missing health as opposed to it being a set amount regardless.
/shrug I’ll dink around with it more and see what comes out of it, but this was by far my lowest run while being at my highest ilvl and in range of what I was doing yesterday for key levels and what not.