Tune MC down to pre-1.12 for the bulk of us

Look, no one cares that those top guilds from private server downed MC the first week, but I’m sure most of us don’t want to do a watered down version of MC once we reach level 60, and we also don’t want the whole server to have access to this watered down version.

Let them bring their 15 millions of years of experience and incredible theory crafting to the older version of MC and see how it goes, because right now the version of Molten Core has numbers that are too easy to beat, even with bad gear check.

The big fun of vanilla WoW, was that for so long you had to do the previous raid, before attempting the next one. You couldn’t just log in, go to timeless isle and get ready for Siege of Orgrimmar, or wait for Looking For Raid to gear up.

So please, tune Molten Core down to what it was, prior to 1.12, before the majority of the players get to level 58-60 and cheese their way through MC.


Molten Core prior to 1.12 is the same as Molten Core after 1.12. All of the changes were long before that.

As far as tuning, #nochanges.

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How easy was MC when you and your guild ran through MC on Classic?

I only ask, because it would seem silly to talk about how undertuned a raid you haven’t run is.

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What do you even mean? Pre-1.12 doesn’t mean 1.11 it just means before that patch, i.e. 1.2 through 1.11, and just because MC wasn’t directly tuned in 1.12 doesn’t mean it wasn’t indirectly nerfed by itemization and balance changes made during that patch. OP clearly wants MC tuning to reflect what it was like during progression which is what the phases are supposed to replicate anyway.

Edit: Which is to say that making us do progression while everything is on the 1.12 is a massive change. It doesn’t accurately reflect what progressing on patch 1.2 was like at all which is what many wanted.

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I’m in full support of making dungeons and raids significantly harder than they were in classic, but at the very least, we should get dungeons and raids at the peak of their difficulty in Vanilla, whatever patch that was on.


Congrats on linking the blue post about how there’s no progressive itemization or balance and the only changes between phases are the loot tables. Which addresses, uh, nothing and in fact backs up what I said about it not actually replicating what it was like to progress in Vanilla.

Maintaining bugs has nothing to do with maintaining tuning between patches anyway and ignores that many of the patches were deliberately done to make progression easier through early content easier (with tuning not just new items). Their excuse that they don’t want to replicate “bugs” is just as lame today as it was back when they first posted it.

Chant the mantra, chant the mantra!


I would like to know how you think this is a “massive” change…

Can you provide any evidence for changes to dps numbers or mob changes and how much they are?

Cause I see lots of people making claims like this yet none of them have any numbers to back up said claims…

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OP the issue isn’t really tuning. It’s the 1.12 itemization overhauls, the class overhauls, etc… that all happened throughout original classic. Once blizzard re-itemized, added tons of power items, fixed horribly broken classes, introduced various catch up mechanics, MC, ONY, and BWL became cake walks. My guild had those places on farm, so we barely noticed at all, but we did notice more guilds clearing in much faster times.

Just go look at Scholomance in the patch notes for 1.3. There’s only one tuning related note directly called a bug, the rest are deliberate nerfs to the difficulty, and that’s just for one dungeon in one patch. It doesn’t even begin to describe the difficulty tuning made to the entire world over the course of it’s lifespan that has nothing to do with itemization, talents, player knowledge, or bug fixing.

I didnt know scholomance was called MC…

The problem is that without actual patch progression that difficulty level can not be done in the way it was. It will still be faceroll easy with 1.12 talents and gear even if it’s an “un nerfed” version.

be bit harder though

Okay, in patch 1.4 they doubled the time you had to kill Ragnaros from one hour to two, there’s just one deliberate nerf from one patch in one raid to one encounter. Nevermind that there were sweeping nerfs to all content across the board throughout the whole game’s lifespan which was my actual point. You know progression doesn’t begin and end at Molten Core right?

Ok so one change which doesn’t actually affect the fight…

Got any evidence for those sweeping changes and how drastic they may or may not have been?

You know you have yet to back up basically any of your claims yet…

You are the one making large claims and asking for changes… you want those be prepared to show what you are claiming is actually true and then show why its necessary.

You’re moving the goalposts. But fine, Lord Incendius level was also lowered in 1.4 and I shouldn’t need to explain the myriad ways level difference modifies difficulty.

Again the point is that all the changes made throughout the games lifespan through itemization, class balancing, and direct content tuning add up to major differences in difficulty in general throughout all content between 1.0 and 1.12. I’m not going to spoon-feed you anymore, so go read patchnotes on your own.

We recently did it with half sub 60s, in original itemized gear from early patches, and against a harder version of the raid, and it still wasn’t a significant challenge in any way.

It could be made to be a bit harder, but it won’t change that feeling that it’s easy overall. You’d be saying the same thing if it was a harder version too most likely.

Not moving the goalposts at all…

You are making claims I just want evidence of said claims.

Also topic was made for MC and so far all thats been changed is something irrelevant to the fight.

This is bait. Eat it if you want.