TUMs (12/12H) recruiting more for mythic progression

What dps classes are you looking for? Only 120 I have left on stormrage is a 120 DK only 401 Ilvl, spent most of my time since i have been back playing on Illidan horde side. Havnt found a home over there and looking for a causal group to play with again, Have no issues leveling a new character as i tend to be an altaholic.

DK would be nice, welcome to come on that DK. we have some time to help gear you for 8.3

We currently have room on the tues/Thursday team running 8-11pm server time for approximately 3 dps and 1 healer.

What item levels? I’m healer off tank (holy/prot paladin) honestly no experience on current content but have other expansion aotcs ( pugging to get geared ASAP)

Still looking for heals?


Rogue Outlaw 445ilvl here here. Lunsce#1795 in case you are still looking for dps.

Recruiting for a second team

I’m looking for a raid group for Friday and Saturday nights. I’m 437 ilvl though and my neck is 70. I’m a Mistweaver monk and have offspec dps which is 434 ilvl. My cape is rank 4. I messed up one horrific vision.

Shake N Bake Raid Team needs 1 healer, 1 melee dps and 1 tank.

Stressed Out Weekend team needs 1 healer, and about 4 dps.

Searching for SNB: 2 tanks, 1 healer, 1 melee dps
Stressed Out. 1 tank, 1 healer, 4 dps.

Shake N Bake Raid Team needs 1 holy paladin, resto sham, or disc/holy priest. and about 4 dps (lock/boomie/ret/warrior/dh)

Stressed Out Raid Team needs 1 tank, 1 healer and 4 dps.

I have been raiding for a month or two now and have grown really close to the active members. If you are looking for a nice social group that is active with a booming discord I would highly suggest you check us out. Tomorrow we will have a nightly raid solo dedicated to N’zoth and getting AOTC.

The weekend team is now recruiting for mythic progression in need of about 5 more, trialing after the roster flushes out will be done in heroic or on bosses already killed in mythic. Seldom, it will be done on progression.

470 Resto/Guardian 3/12M :slight_smile:
Bnet : xChokolate#1426