Tuesday coffee and reset

done with coffee

gonna lvl my druid. guild wants healers so I have to learn how to heal.

First of all that cant be done on coffee
Second of all that cant be done on coffee
Third of all that cant be done on coffee
Fourt of all that cant be done on coffee

Now grab something to get high and get on with it !

Check vault on my raid toon then maybe work on an alt until raid later today .

I can do all of that on coffee. I am not into the things that get people high. They make me feel weird.

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If I manage to get Nightborne unlocked today I will TRY to level my new warlock.

Second cup of coffee is in the books too. :coffee: :purple_heart:

Only because you have not find the correct fit dooood . YET . :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:

Ice coffee and after work I’ll open vault run those sims be disappointed, then later guild will either do alt runs or mythic first 3 bosses. Im hoping for mythic but we’ll see where things go.

Might work on renown venthyr before raid.

First (giant) cup of coffee. Hoping to actually play my main today and do a few keys. I broke my ankle this weekend and haven’t really been up for focusing on any real content.

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I don’t even like taking prescription drugs. Much less the other.

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No caffeine for me. I start work in a couple of hours. Then after work more WoW. That is my day.

Ouch. I hope you heal quickly.

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How did you manage that?

Me too :frowning: this already sucks. Thank you!

It’s 12am here if I have coffee I’ll never be able to sleep. I forgot about America changing time with that daylight savings thing and was wondering why servers went down at a weird hour.

See thats your problem you live in a place where to get anything no matter how small dose of high you want ,you need priscription :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
And just so you know the default priscriptions are never "that good "

Walked wrong in my platform vans and managed to roll my ankle and take a nice tumble. Terrified of those shoes now lmao

Had my coffee, moving on to my first cup of tea for the day. Today I will hopefully log on to find that my auctions have sold and I can upgrade my bags on my new hunter on Tichondrius. Good lord the prices on that server are nuts!
But we trudge on! and on. and on.

2nd cup. Working on completing all of the Eastern Kingdom quest lines. Finished Kalimdor yesterday. Def did all these well over a decade ago, but not showing in my achieves…Also, no flying in Bloodmyst? that took longer than i expected

I hate that crap ,i was all ready and fired up and now i saw the stupid daylight thingy and grrrrrrrrrrr

2300 hour on my side of the ocean, just took my bedtime meds with ice water. if the realms come back online before i nod off, i’ll check what dailies/callings/emissaries are up