Trying to heal arena without mouseovers

Hello everyone, I recently started pushing arena. Mostly been a pve player, that has used mouseovers macros to heal. In pve it gives me great results, but in arena it feels clunky, especially when I’m trying to run.

I wanna start off small and eventually make the full switch and drop it all together.

For now I want a macro that heals my teammates via mouse over, however when my curser isn’t on anyone it heals me. Anything like that available for lifebloom, etc

Pick your poison. That said, most arena macros are @party1, @party2, or @player rather than @mouseover and the like.

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I wish I could give you a big hug, thank you so much for your time and help. I eventually want to make the transition to party1,2 etc for arena. but just trying to gently assimilate myself to this, so used to doing mouseovers for EVERYTHING.

These macros will be helpful for battlegounds , now i can run and heal myself without stopping my movement to do a mouseover

Thank you for your time! i appreciate you. The macros work, but there is one minor issue. if I’m targeting a friendly player it heals them instead.

is there a way to make it so I can heal myself no matter who is targeted but just heal my party when i mouseover them?

Both those have modifiers (alt) so you can force cast on yourself, but you can replace [] with [@player] in the second to get rid of target casting and make it cast on you.

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] [@player] SPELL
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thank, this worked!!! I appreciate you