Truly reprehensible posts should get you an account ban. Edit: I found out they actually do

We did. The part where you said they don’t actually close Bnet accounts for forum behavior followed by “lol”. You followed it with a picture of many forum account actions on an account that is not closed. Further illustrating your attempt to say that despite repeat actions, Blizzard does not actually close accounts for forum infractions.

That is the part we were correcting.

If that was not what you intended to say, then you seem to have phrased it in a way that most others did not follow.

Yeah, getting personal and trying to pick fights. sigh

Just stop it. Admit that while your account has not been closed for forum infractions, Blizzard has done so before, and will continue to do so when needed.


That’s mostly a statement of fact.

Less arguing, more catgirls


lol trying to flag my post as trolling. No, I’m dead serious. I also said truly reprehensible. Not some person trolling. I mean if you come on here and post like death threats, say certain kinds of people are sub human, ext.


I knew I was right. Forum trolls can’t handle being wrong so they flag.

Nah. That’s you trying to insult somebody’s intelligence because you got corrected.

Except I didn’t say “forum behavior.” I deliberately said “trolling” which I already said, some of us probably have different definitions of, mine being they most certainly don’t.

Which I already said lol.

The irony of this statement is spectacular lol.

I haven’t been corrected yet.

Okay, you haven’t been attentive then. That explains why you think nobody was talking about the other thread.

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Dude, a flag is a flag. It doesn’t mean you get silenced from posting as soon as a post gets flag. If the forum moderation doesn’t find anything wrong with the post where it doesn’t violate the CoC, they’ll ever restore it or ignore it.

Being flagged doesn’t mean it is the end of the world.

No one I was responding to :man_shrugging:.

This is your problem and always has been: you cannot let things go, you try to claim semantics on EVERYTHING to try to make yourself look better and you do nothing but consistently troll.

I keep trying to give you the benefit of the doubt and every time, this is what you devolve into.

Case in point right here:

No, it isn’t. But that right there is your horrible attempt at arguing to try to save face, when you KNOW you meant it as an insult.

These are NOT meant in any type of good faith:

I keep trying to give you the benefit of the doubt and I always take you off ignore after a period of time. I can tell it’s not worth doing so.


I missed whatever thread it was, but most of the time if not all the time, if a thread gets 404 it was for a good reason.

And they will keep track of these things. Also, they will not communicate decisions with you. The best answer you will get is: our decision is final

Stay safe. Don’t be mean. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


Pretty much yes, but some people either cannot read OR actually want to say hate speech on forums but not get banned in game, which I think they should.

…Do you even pay attention to your own posts and who you are replying to? :man_facepalming:

You were literally arguing against an MVP about Blizzard not banning people IG for trolling on forums a few minutes ago. What, did you just forget? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :palm_up_hand:


You do realize that I made a single post that people completely misread and attacked me for, right? You are also choosing to continue to do so now after I have already explained the fact I was talking to someone that probably just had a different definition of what I was saying.

Like, do you not see the irony in this lol?

Yeah it is.

Do you? More than welcome to see who I was responding to originally lol.

Honestly, I don’t think it was flagged because you were the problem… I think it was flagged because people knew it would devolve.

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