Truly reprehensible posts should get you an account ban. Edit: I found out they actually do

Yes it would because it was unflagged. Its like you can’t tell the difference between a truly vile poster getting what’s coming to them and someone whose post was just false flagged and was restored AND had nothing vile about it…

The issue is, is that ’ vile ’ means different things to different people.
Granted, there are objectionably vile things we all agree on, but there are emotionally weak people who take great offense at the most unoffensive things.
People flagging your post highlights this.
And we all know the mods will delete posts for simply hurting someone’s fee fee’s.
Well, if you’re on a certain side of the aisle that is…

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Most people love things like censorship and extreme punishments when they can only envision themselves being the admonisher.

The definition of truly reprehensible around here is saying something the gold bots disagree with slightly. Most forum enforcement is caused by bot brigades, all the mod bot cares about is report volume. It’s also already the case that serious forum offenders can get escalated to account action, so it’s a completely useless topic from every angle.

I’ve seen a few forum users get permanent vacations for using real life threats against other players, but I do believe they are allowed to still play in the game. It also makes me think that redemption should be allowed, or at the very least, a perma-ban from the forums should be consequence enough.


After quitting and coming back multiple times, I’ve considered it. I used to frequent the Dead by Daylight subreddit, which was a cesspool of toxicity. No matter what you said on there, it was met with “get good, you suck, baby killer” etc etc, so I messaged the mods and asked for a perma ban, which they did not grant. Took it a step further and earned myself the perma ban I asked for and now my online experience is that much better.
Self control is not easy for many people, myself included. When I quit this game and they come out with some new teaser, I always come back and check it out. Earning yourself a permanent ban completely removes the sunk cost fallacy part of how these games keep people around, which is HUGE.
I totally get it.

LOL,I guess the internet went again,or your typing to fast for the whole thing dang burn the wires! :rofl:

Once again, nothing you’ve said makes any sense. Have a good day, though.

My god,can’t even take a joke,good day to you.

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They should be reported to the school principal or to HR if working, for poor ethics/moral fiber, and not a good member of society for posting truly reprehensible things on the WOW forums!

define reprehensible.

use a legal standard.

get sued if you’re wrong.

Define Irony

Get soggy toast if you are wrong.

define soggy,

use a measurable standard,

Graham Norton comes to your home if you’re wrong…

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If it did matter, you wouldn’t ever be flagged.

Because at this point, you just want to exert control into all people’s game accounts and just ban people because they hurt your feelings at this point.

That is worse then some person trolling with blatant bigotry.

I don’t think you actually clearly defined what reprehensible back on OP even. You just left it up in the air to shift goalposts around to whatever you want it to mean. Even to a point where you think disagreement means you think they are vile people themselves, even if they tell you explicitly it’s a bad idea.

Yet OP is being willfully ignorant about this. :man_facepalming:

He doesn’t even understand that even objectively offensive things like T-Squad gets unflagged from time to time.

This is a horrible idea and makes no sense.

There is nothing extremely vile that can be said that also wouldn’t be government-reporting worthy. Anything less is just wet paper bag weak sacks of flesh clutching their pearls who themselves need to get off the internet for their own good.

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Sorry for borrowing you like this Mira, but you put it far better than I could’ve. And this was faster.

Hope you have a good day though! ^^’

All of my days are great, thank you though.

You as well.

I have gotten like 3 perma-bans from the forums (each forum update they wipe the slate clean). But in-game I only ever got 3 hour bans except one time I got a one week ban since I got mass reported by a guild.

Lat update did briefly grant pardons, but they went back and rebanned a ton of people.

Don’t ask how I know this.