Troll models need a change

But they are hunched only in the game tho, in blizz artwork they are completely upright most of the time, like in the link that Op posted


If we’re honest all races but tauren conform to female human aesthetics. And even tauren are a little guilty, technically they should have udders.

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They also arent given guidelines most of the time when they draw, they also would be trickier to draw.

We absolutely do not and should not have it, Zandalari were always the exception.

I really love trolls, thats why I am fighting to keep them original.

I would love playable Amani and Drakkari.

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But original trolls aren’t hunched lol, the ones who were hunched on warcraft 2 for example were spear/axe throwers that were in a throwing position.


Customization should always be added.


Best reply on the whole thread

Not when it destroys the originality of a race.

Troll culture is much more than having escoliosis, what makes darkspears be “the darkspears” is their very human and laid back way of seeing the world, don’t worry making their backs have less of an angle won’t kill their personallity :slight_smile:

It’s like saying that Undead woudn’t look Undead If they got a straight back option ( especially if blizz makes It optional like they did with the orcs)


Have you even read troll lore?

Yes… You’re not the only one in the world that likes trolls


This made me laugh out loud. Thankyou haha

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that’s what people who are asking to change unique races want, humans.


Customization should reign supreme in an mmo.


Wrong. Like you are most of the time. Next you’re going to tell me Zul’jin looks like a human and keeping the heel toe is somehow making Trolls also more human, right?
You lost your edge.