Troll & Draenei Heritage

The Darkspear are kind of like the “Kingdom of Stormwind” of the Trolls.

Like with the Stormwind Humans, they were the only group of trolls you could initially play as despite them arguably being the least interesting of all the tribes. The other more interesting options like the Revantusk were ignored and brushed to the side and this was pretty much the case until the Zandalari became playable.

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The thing about the Heritage Armor quest chains is that they’ve been done in different ways. The orcs focused on a renewal with the rebirth of the Kosh’harg, the blood elves honored the fallen with recalling The Fall of Quel’thalas, the Forsaken was about then defending themselves and securing their holdings, etc…

So when it comes to what the quests could cover… there’s alot that could be done.

I want the armor to look something like this:

Combined with a nice rush’kah (mask), and I’ll be thrilled. This image has been around for almost 20 years and I still can’t dress my trolls like this. At least let me have a loin cloth. I am tired of full skirts that go down the ankles.

As for the quest/story, I know we need to flesh out more characters, but I’ve been waiting so long for Vol’jin that, selfishly, I just want his story to get a move on already. He became warchief, which was the the most exciting thing to ever happen in WoW to me, and we followed that with him doing nothing, dying, and then doing nothing as a ghost. Ysera died after him and has been way more active. I just want him back already.

But here’s the thing, I don’t want him to lose the Darkspear flavor. I am supremely worried that he is going to just replace Rezan and be a light loa that shoots yellow lasers and be nothing like his former self. I am hoping, perhaps foolishly, that the shard of Rezan’s essence he took is just enough to bring him back, even if it means he’s a loa, and he doesn’t just inherit Rezan’s full powers. I don’t want troll Jesus. I want a leveled up Shadow Hunter Vol’jin.

The trolls have the coolest religion in he game, and I would hate to see their cultural identity be washed out and them turned into more Light worshipers. The Light is so boring. It’s better when it’s a giant T-Rex empowering their priests and prelates. But when it’s a man, it just loses the flavor and gets into troll Jesus territory. I don’t want that. Make Vol’jin a Shadow Hunter loa, not a prelate loa.

And I fully agree that the focus should be on the Darkspear. I don’t want the Zandalari tribe to absorb us. Let us maintain our distinct personality.

This is a little beyond the scope of heritage armor, but something else I want for the Darkspear is a proper home. Echo Isles sucks. With Gilneas, Amirdrassil, and Sivermoon all getting updates and whatnot, it would be nice if the Darkspear got an update to their home too. Echo Isles is the worst hometown in the game. Has been since Vanilla, and the update in Cataclysm didn’t do enough to fix it. If it’s too late for Echo Isles to not be a dump, then maybe we can retake Darkspear Isle at some point and have a proper city there?

That about covers my full Darkspear wish list. Cool armor, bring Vol’jin back already, don’t turn him into another Light user light Anduin and Velen, don’t let the Zandalari engulf the Darkspear, and give us a real home city. Oh, and make Shadow Hunter a hero spec for Shaman.


Draenei Heritage should touch on all the Draenei that went back to Outland post-TBC and during Cata.

Now, with the Legion’s defeat, they have completed the desperate mission that first brought them to Azeroth. Though some draenei were sent back to Outland to revitalize their former civilization, the majority have vowed to stay and uphold their sacred commitment to the Alliance. (Draenei Cata Intro Cinematic)

Only time they ever touched upon this again was during Velen’s short story in Cata which touched upon the idea briefly.
According to Wolfheart the Draenei’s presence on Azeroth was so minimal during the time of the Cataclysm there was the assumption they had all returned to Outland.

An update on what the Draenei have done with Karabor after retaking it from Illidan would be nice too, also what the Aldor/Sha’tar have been up to all this time.
A small check-up on Outland in general would be nice.

Really anything to do with the more unexplored aspects of the Draenei (their Shamanism, their relation to Outland, the Krokul).

Honestly not interested in the idea of ‘Eredar Unity’ at all as a concept.
Would’ve preferred that the Draenei forged their own identity and become something different from the Eredar altogether, rather than continually stay as Eredar and hold on to the past, but we’re way past that idea at this point imo.

And yes, their heritage armor should definitely be something more grounded and inspired off of their original concept art than just the LF Draenei’s heritage armor but purple.


For the Darkspear, I’d like to see something touched upon in BFA, Zappi Boi/Zeh’khan - that there is a whole new young generation of Darkspear that were children or not born when the Horde was formed and the Darkspear came to Kalimdor, with their own idea of what it means to be Darkspear apart from their elders- such as the Horde is family.


Troll and Draenei Heritage Sets confirmed for Patch 10.2.7


At long last. Praise the loa!

Please deliver something that was worth the wait, Blizzard! Rush’kah and loin cloth please!

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That’s awesome. I hope the Draenei armor looks something similar to the original fan art of them


It’s concept art, not fan art.

I’m hoping the same for both Draenei and Trolls. Use your concept art, Blizzard!


That’s what I meant. My phone autocorrects to the silliest things sometimes.

But yeah, blizz really needs to use their concept art for the troll and Draenei heritage armors :bear:


I hope they pull Vol’jin out of his nap in Ardenweald for this!


My hope is that the Troll one explores the Darkspear’s place in the larger Troll community and how they now have a pretty huge position of power there. They went from being an exiled isolated tribe to the highest ranking tribe in the Horde and tied much more closely to the Zandalari than any of their peers. The Zandalari are allied with the Horde, still the top dog of the Troll world, and their intermediary is the Darkspear.

Draenei one will be interesting because there… aren’t too many loose ends for them now, their storylines were kind of blitzed through in a Legion launch chain and then a single patch after. I’d like to see more focus on Outland though, honestly. When I think of the Exodar Draenei, I think of Outland, not Argus.


My hope is that the Troll one explores the Darkspear’s place in the larger Troll community and how they now have a pretty huge position of power there.

The Darkspear should, unironically, be -the- strongest jungle troll tribe bar none. What tribe other than they have had impacts and presences on multiple worlds? I wonder if Blizzard will reference this.


On that note, I really hope they don’t make it solely about the romance between Talanji and Zekhan.


I love the Zandalari, but I don’t want my Darkspear heritage to be about them too much. They can be a small part of it, but not a focal point.


Ideally the heritage armor would explore how the Darkspear have changed over the years and what the future for them holds.

Should focus on the Darkspear alone too, we don’t need to blur the lines between Darkspear and other trolls further.


WOOOOO, Draenei heritage armor, best race! Let’s go baby!


I feel like it should more touch on their relations with their jungle troll cousins than the Zandalari. A big part of their story is how they were the weakest jungle troll tribe and got bullied until they were forced to flee Stranglethorn.


That could be interesting. Especially if it doesn’t just turn into a reversal of roles situation.


Absolutely. The Gurubashi are a different story and having them be a focal point of the Darkspear heritage makes total sense.