Trifecta - healing, RSS, and hunters

It’s wild that y’all think you’re being constructive when you’re giving your 0 iq opinion

Break time already?

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Keep slobbering on the nutties of your friendly rando forum poster. Feelsbad to be wrong i know

That clicking frames is slower and less efficient/reliable than having them keybound?

Ill happily submit your exp is actually higher than both my accounts (barely), none the less your opinion is literal trash tier. You like to play with party target keybinds, cool, they aren’t even remotely important, and trash advice

What’s with every roastee having several accounts

Even I don’t have multiple accounts

Just want to throw in that I sure appreciate the advice for rdruid.

Gonna implement some of those tactics.


Though tbh I like jimmy buckets but don’t think he’ll ever be the number one option on a championship team. Still great player. That three attempt in game 7 last year was a mistake too. Not your strong suit. Should’ve driven to the basket for the tie. Just saying.

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He cant afford to keep his multi rank 1 EU account going on a cart pusher salary unforch

Not slower at all, and If there is a fraction millisecond difference it hasn’t stopped me in the slightest, unless you wanna compliment me and say instead of glad I’d be multi rank one, your opinion is still trash, random forum fox be gone

I mean I think it’s fine in the case of some stuff. Having decurse on ele bound for party 12 seems like overkill. It’s just in the case of something you’ll be doing dozens of times a minute for every arena game forever fumbling around with sticks seems awkward and generally less reliable.

Garbage opinions, garbage “burns”, garbage takes on everything. Must be a fox thing to like garbage so much

I’m a fox, not a racoon.


It is the natural order of things in this place.

The irony is any good player would tell you there’s 50 different ways you could successfully set up healing for pvp, you could hand party 1-3 macros for dispells e.t.c, same with enemy targeting, but i promise clicking a frame to select a target to heal isn’t what’s holding you random 1500 stuck players back. Stick to advice on rp or something. Or go to skill capped or w.e that site is for some tips

Yeah, there’s any number of combinations as to how one could go about playing, but clicking frames as a healer isn’t the standard for a reason.

I’d like to know which guide is telling new healers it’s good to have a ui that breaks if someone doesn’t give them leader 100% of the time

You say that like you actually know what you’re talking about but you just dont lmao. You got stats on what the standard is? Wanna link me that data buddy, or you just talking out your butt. The answer is obvious

Youre on a roll buddy keep going


Unchained really was wild.


Good one, definitely proved your point. Unchained was inflated we all know this. Doesn’t make your take less wrong but keep deflecting