Tri-Role Class Fixation: Anyone else share my problem?

TL;DR: I can only bring myself to play Druid, Paladin, and Monk, because they’re the only classes that can be all three roles. I am weird, I know, but how do I get over this? And do any other people share my weirdness?

It’s been a problem that I’ve had with this game since pretty shortly after I started leveling alts.

My first ever character (that I got past Coldridge Valley) was a Shaman. I enjoyed it, a lot. I enjoyed playing DPS, and Healer. Mostly Healer, since I was playing with friends who were DPS and Tank mains respectively, but it was nice having the options to DPS–both ranged and melee–available at the drop of a hat. Of course, back then you could only have two specs learned at any one time, and I think I went with Enhancement more since it was more far removed from the playstyle of Restoration.

Life was good. I got to the max level at the time, enjoyed playing with my friends a lot on that Shaman.

My second ever character was a Paladin.

Ever since then, I’ve been… incapable of playing classes that aren’t tri-role. Well, obviously not incapable, I can go into the character selection screen and make a new Warrior or Mage at any time. But I just can’t bring myself to level them, let alone play them in any significant capacity.

Something about the ability to do pretty much any content I want on a single character has drawn me very heavily to the tri-role classes; Paladin, Druid, and later Monk. In my mind, I think “why would I suffer leveling this DPS-pure class when I could pick one that can play a different role?” And then I try to pick up something like Priest or Death Knight, and I think “why would I level this duo-role class when I could pick one that can play all three and get a better investment out of my time?”

So, ever since the Shaman, I’ve only ever leveled Paladins, Druids, and Monks to max level. Hell, the Shaman is still languishing in Dragonflight leveling, dropped forever the moment I got the urge to tank but was unable to. This Monk has been my main ever since, pretty much solely because Paladin and Druid are so over-represented in the playerbase that I wanted to be unique… that, and I like how fast-paced Monk is.

It’s why I’ve been pushing pretty hard over the years for Shaman to get a Tank spec. Yes, it would fit the class thematically and I think it’s a shame that the Earth element is so under-represented in the class, but also because I’m desperate to play that Shaman again (favorite class fantasy by far out of all the classes), I just can’t bring myself to devote the time to it.

I know I’m weird, I don’t need to ask. All the work put in by Blizzard over the years to make alt armies actually viable and easy to make, and yet I get no use out of them because I’m content to sit on whatever tri-role class suits my fancy for the expansion. Everyone else running around having fun as Mages, Warlocks, Rogues… I just think “how do they stand it?”

Does anyone else feel this way? It’d make me less self-conscious knowing there are other weirdos like me… but also, what can I do to get out of this funk of mine? I’d love to play some Death Knight, I’ve been wanting to for a while. But I can’t bring myself to do it.

TL;DR at the top :point_up_2:

u can do it
u are a dwarf
u have the power


u onnnnly need da POWAH!!

I didn’t even like druids, monks and nelves all that much, but they’re incredibly useful in a lot of scenarios that other classes do not have similar spells for.
Shadowmeld + Prowl = get out of jail free card in PvE
Flight Form allows you to perform certain actions that will dismount anyone who isn’t a druid or monk, such as interacting with quest objects.

monk’s Zen flight allows you to hover and stay “mounted” while fishing, casting a few newer spells, and you can mount midair. you just don’t see that kind of utility on a non -tri-role classes. Those two abilities alone makes you get things done MUCH faster

That’s another thing. Monk has some insane movement options that most other classes cannot hold a candle to, which have been invaluable in a lot of my M+ play. Druid in the open world is unmatched when it comes to versatility with their various forms. Paladin has such a robust collection of cooldowns that pretty much every group would be stupid not to have one.

Again, why would anyone not want to play a tri-role class?

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Playing a pure DPS feels dirty, tank/dps classes are at least passable

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I play arms warrior like ret palas and havoc dh play their single spec
I cant even play the other 2 to save my life.
and i had this toon since vanilla

Again, why would anyone not want to play a tri-role class?

My thoughts exactly. They should definitely add another one.

Just add a 4th spec to Shaman.

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When you said tri role, I totally thought you meant doing all 3 at once…

Flash back to diablo 2 days… My ubers tri sorc :sob:

Everyone has their thing that draws them to classes and/or specs.
My draw tends to be convolutedness.

The harder the spec is to play, for whatever reason, that is my go to.

Like unholy. I’ve been an unholy main since legion. Spriest? Yes.
Or if a spec is more simple, like bm, I push it to it’s max.

Everyone has their playstyles. I wouldn’t let it bother you. Play what you enjoy.

that’s a good idea. It wouldn’t be hard at all to design, either. Instead of use earth golem for your tank, you shatter it and wear it like armor or something.

but I don’t think blizz has given shamans anything cool in a discouragingly long time. Druids get all the attention and cosmetics. I mean, they have like 20 different options for each form, and shamans are limited to just 4.

No, I’m not mad at all

It’s so easy to design that I’ve done it myself. Twice.

Blizzard just hates Shamans. Thrall is the only Shaman allowed to be cool.

The Stormward was literally a Shaman tank in one of the follower dungeons. They’re just teasing us at this point.

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