Tree mount OP

IM sure the others will be added to the blizzard store, i mean the bike contest the losing bike was added to the game when they said it wouldnt be be 100k for the alliance.

Yeah its a nice mount.

Now if only they didn’t bork the release and have people with it and people without…whoops

My question is how did it survive Darnassus burning.

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I was wondering that. I have to say I am a big fan.

/10 characters


Yeah, the run animation is great and the mount special is really fun. I love it.

Because it’s mostly made out of rocks. Hey Night Elves, MAKE YOUR HOUSES OUT OF ROCKS!

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It was off wandering.

@Jared, every post you have is a complaint.

Because saying attaboi to mediocrity does nothing?

They did a great job and it looks fantastic, I just wish I liked it more…

I’m not normally a fan of big mounts, but I really like this one. It has so much personality.

Yeah, and as much as I love this mount… it makes you wonder about the other ones. :thinking:

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It’s not bad. Also for a mount with a larger frame it doesn’t look like it’s moving slow (gronn/ yeti mounts look sluggish).

It could use some stabilizers though. Man you get shook as it…lumbers…around.

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Its on the northern hemisphere cycle so currently winter soon spring.

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I love its running and how it shakes things out of its foliage, and that there’s a catepillar on them and a Winter Pepe :smiley:


Newest Blizz cinematic explains.


Honestly, I’m not a huge fan on the mount. It should have it’s own dance emote.

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Wouldn’t be surprised if they turned up. Maybe as 6 month sub rewards or maybe a related achievement reward.


yea it is a really nice mount i like all the detail they put into it. they should have more events like this tbh

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