Transphobia in the WoW community

Agreed. I like ur take.

Have a good one.

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This is my new favorite post on the wow forums.

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I caught most of it in my car at lunch in my iPad. I’m glad I had it blow up full screen from what seemed to be Blizz. Do not know if it was possible to see the hate-speech, but glad I did not.

It was rampant on the youtube reveal side, and again on my rewatch from Bellular’s perspective.

Tali & Evi had the same issue and tweeted about it.
And supposedly Preach did too.

In all cases, the banhammer needed to come out/go to sub-only mode. :frowning:


OP stated they know it’s not the ‘majority’ of the playerbase. Maybe you didn’t catch everything they wrote.


It’s my favorite go to response for non sensical things. I recite the entire thing to telemarketers when they call my phone. There are other good ones out there.

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eh?? well i missed that because actually had the chat hidden on Youtube.

that chat was toxic as F***, but i understood their hate for the game however i didn’t saw the hate on the trans thought but by the time the trans person showed up in the video well i had the chat turn off at that point so sorry to hear that happened.

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It really was disgusting to see. I normally don’t speak up on these topics but seeing the Youtube chat comments actually made me sick to my stomach.


even i payed that much attention.
op clearly was talking about the folks on the stream who kept saying stuff when a certain Someone popped up.

folks sometimes just pop in, and assume stuff i guess.


The fact that this post was “flagged by the community” for violating guidelines (which is doesn’t in anyway) really just solidifies my point even more. This community is afraid to admit to itself that there is a problem with this sort of thing. Pretty gratifying to see the post re-instated too…always nice to see bigots be woefully wrong


I’m grateful I missed the stream comments. I only watched the video on u-tube but didn’t bother with those comments.


i watched it, i liked alot of stuff.
me an a few folks plan to write down our questions for later even.

Might also explain the ideological rot.

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The fact that there’s enough bigots in the community to flag the OP is disheartening.

Hopefully a mod can come in here and manually fix it soon.


The OP needs to be unflagged. It’s a good post that addresses a legitimate problem in the WoW community.


thank you for writing this. its unfortunate to see how many ppl are reacting negatively towards it and seeing the phobic comments made towards the supposedly (as far as i know there is no confirmation on their gender identity) trans individual who covered some of the stuff in the deep dive. it’s so important for them to have been a voice during the expac announcement but a lot of ppl will not see it that way. all we can do is hope one day those ppl will see the importance of trans and queer voices.
a trans individual


wait isnt he unflagged rn tho?


Well from what I can see, the mod unflagged one of the actual transphobic comments in this thread and it can no longer be flagged, rofl.

Edit: Looks like they deleted it, nvm. Forums are slow to update.

This must be the latest trolling trend on gaming forums. I see it all over the place now. Keep that junk out of the video game world.

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Legit Blizz should ban all these posters being transphobic. We don’t need that crap in this game.