Transmog: Why not?

It’s nearly 2023.

Transmog is out. Restrictions are alleviated. Existing weapons are no longer iconic, yet copy-paste recolors of the same model. I can turn my one-handed mace into a sword. I can even change my armor to be half naked!

Why can’t I be a holy paladin with a 2-handed mace? I can mog into my artifact, but not any other random 2-hander?

Remove the restrictions to weapon transmog’s and let me look how I want to look!


I agree some restrictions should be lifted but not all restrictions. Class specific sets should remain so.

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I doubt there’s a reason other than “that’s the way we want it to be.”

I mean…you still can’t turn daggers into literally any other weapon type (except Legion artifacts). If they’re okay keeping that arbitrary restriction in place, I can’t imagine giving people more transmog options is very high on their list of priorities.

I don’t think people would have a problem with that. But given how often there are off-set lookalikes (or classes just straight-up share the same appearances like they have for the past couple of expansions), it’s probably not as significant a distinction as you might think.

Let Frost DKs turn their Dual-wield weapons into a single 2-hander. The animations exist! Why not?


Because you’re not cool enough. Roll a DK next time.

Sir, are you aware of the wall you are speaking to?

I want my FDK to be able to DW two 32 pound catfish.

Seriously. I’d rock that with the fishing hat!

While we’re looking at mog, can we make mogs be tied to the gear slot and not the piece of gear itself? You shouldn’t need to fix you mog every time you change a piece of gear.

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Just like I have posted before when it comes to it:

My simple take on it, go back to how we sort of have it. Plate can Transmog Mail and Mail can Transmog Leather. And in addition that certain classes like Priests and Paladins should be able to interchange between their class specific armor. At least there’s some “Freedom” because the theme is rather similar. Like Rogues are often associated with the shadows, and hunters just recently got their “Dark Ranger” twist onto them (Though that’s a rather loose association but more of a example).

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It’s funny to, you can change your 2h to 2 1h via the Legion artifact, but not the other way around. As for restrictions, yes lift them, saw a video recently that said if this is about how certain classes and specs should look, that goes out the window when a Pally can mog to look like a DK, or hunter can mog to look like a shaman.

And while we are at it make every single weapon in the game have swappable stats. There is no reason that every 2 handed mace shouldn’t also have an int or an agility stat so that if a holy pally or druid wants to, they can use it. Or a rogue likes that caster sword/dagger/mace etc.

Could be worse. Can be worse. Lizard wizards don’t see their mogs at all

This so much, my friend looted a staff in ZM on her feral druid first day she was out there, and got excited for the weapon upgrade until she could get around to opening up the cypher weapon thing, then realized it was intellect based.


Guardians and Ferals should be able to dual wield 1H weapons, because Legion artifacts.

Yeah, I used to be against loosening restrictions, but at this point they only harm transmog. You haven’t been able to identify a class by looking at them for at least 6 years now, who cares?

Should check out Lost Codex’s latest xmog video, he really hits on all the points as to why they are pointless nowadays.

Even if they remove restriction they will keep class specific sets only to that class. And that is perfectly fine.

Boy do I have good news for you

and this is what it looks like dual wielded (my shammy :heart: :fox_face: :heart:)

They even have floppy physics so they look ultra silly using stormstrike.


The only transmog that should be restricted are class sets. We’re already incredibly limited on options compared to other modern MMOs, and it would be a huge boon to creativity and player expression.


To add, I hope they loosen up some of the Holiday mogs. Those four sister hats in Val’Sharah are the only HD version of the wizard hats…in game. Even if it’s just relegated for Cloth only.

Though, to your point, OP. I am in favor of freeing the transmogs.

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