Transmog was one of the worst features to be added to WoW...anyone agree?

Classic is pretty much the same. Most classes are severely weakened without gear when compared to how they are with it. Often you are many times stronger.

The community used to ask for the ability to dye or color change gear.

I think that would have been a great idea. It would keep the ability to gauge power levels as well as have the ability to make your gear match and some player customization.

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Transmog is good for the game. Every single piece of gear that was designed now and long ago can be used forever.


I know you’re just trolling and having fun Zir, but I’ll answer you anyway. When i played a bit of retail, i knew that going in i would be the bottom rung in terms of progression and gear. I expected gear that looked like garbage. I wanted to see that carrot on the stick - the gear that i would NEVER be able to get. Instead, I realized, hey i can just do LFR and it’ll “feel” like i played the game or I achieved something. It was a turnoff. Knowing I put in as little time as possible, but feeling I achieved something was fundamentally wrong.

Like it or not if the devs got the extra year they wanted on the game, there would be transmog. The devs always intended the game to have it.

Most mmos have some form of it dating back to the early 2000’s.

The beauty of transmog is it only has an impact on people who want to use it. By all means wear your clown suit and look like the other dudes all wearing the same bis.

The “I got to see who progressed” mantra is played out. We have 4 locks in my guild all in t2, 7 mages, t2, warriors all wearing the same bis armor. 4 thunderfury warriors.

I am seeing clones all over and let’s not play it off like progress means anything, my alt lock has pieces of t 2.5 from pug runs.

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Transmog is an answer to that what looks epic is highly subjective and after 15 years is virtually impossible to keep making gear that linearly just looks better anyways. Transmog let’s people show up how they like.

You want the highly visible epeen symbols? In retail that’s titles and mounts for the hardest kills which you won’t be getting in LFR.


This how we did it in the old school. You did a hard raid nobody did? Well you got the mount/title nobody else does. Titles/mounts means way more than having some armor look.

I’d disagree. Having your gear look like trash is far more visible and more motivating to work harder than a title. And the fact that in Classic, it’s not a thing, is not Vanilla like at all, which is a problem.

All it is in classic is a symptom of more people clearing the content. With no options like transmog to do anything about it.

Do you have any clue what off-tier pieces look like from high-end raids? I’ll give you a hint - they look like crap. Shadow Priest BiS in Naxx is a mismatched mess, half of it crap that just looks like recycled necropile pieces. The aforementioned onslaught girdle is just a two brown lines stacked on top of each other. The AQ warrior gear is hideous and matches nothing that isn’t also an AQ piece, leaving you looking like a complete clown.

And on the contrary the attractive and thematically-appropriate tier gear is absolute garbage for a lot of classes. Prophecy is one of my favorite sets visually in the history of the game, but its stats are trash and you wind up wearing generic-looking shoulders and the stupid Strat blue dress for two tiers. Warlock tier 1 also looks awesome and is complete garbage stat-wise. There isn’t even really any reason to get tier 1 helms because Onyxia is a weekly ten-minute loot piñata.

“Good-looking” gear does not correlate to “hard work” or “better raider”, and in a lot of cases it’s actually the opposite.


A certain demographic enjoys playing dress up. A certain demographic likes mmos. They chose their side.

meh it’s all relative. you can have mismatched gear. but either way, there are exceptions, but tier gear is cooler looking than dungeon gear.

I 100% agree this is one of the worst things to ever come to wow. One my favorite things about the older versions of wow such as vanilla/tbc is you can see exactly who is geared and who isn’t.

I remember having a great time in CATA then they decided that transmog would come out every character lost there identity, plate wearing tanks would transmog into looking like mages it just lost the MMO feel.

Transmog doesn’t go across armor types.


shows last time i played retail, well you get what I mean.

I’m sorry you hate Druids so much.

This. Seriously, there’s not even any really apparent difference in how the two teal dresses look so at a glance, the AQ40 progressed Raider with Wild Growth Spaulders is rather indistinguishable from the MC only alt.

With xmog I didn’t need to look like anyone else if I wanted, and the new gear often provided new looks and therefore new outfits to build. It also let older items, notably weapons that just didn’t go with anything get opportunities to work in later cohesive sets.

Also this. End of expansion Ferals during WotLK had a goofy ice spear that “sheathed” really awkwardly, lasher-themed shoulders and helm, and geist-themed everything else. We looked like idiots.

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You obviously have no respect for Classic’s game design or any understanding as to why many people prefer it to retail. I think it’s probably way above your head. But that’s fine. Luckily, there are two versions of WoW. One for people like you and one for people like me. Yours is thataway.

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This is absolutely false. You should’ve worn 3 piece T1 for faster flash heal in phase one, and shoulders were one of the best pieces to use for that. Priests never used robes of the exalted, but truefaith vestments which look beautiful and are really well itemized.

I don’t agree with you but I respect your opinion. One of the worst side effects of transmog was the absolute insane inflation that happened to low level BOE gear because everything was now a transmog piece. this would completely screw over new players who went to the AH looking for an upgrade only to find that everything was priced way out of their reach and being a new player they didn’t have access to heirloom gear either.

Though i will admit i used to love going through random old pieces of gear and making my own unique custom looks for my toons. something that would capture the feeling of the class or spec i was playing. never went for any of the pre_built sets as that would take away the whole fun of it for me.

LoL why would you buy boe’s while leveling? Especially in retail.