Translucent Image

Can someone explain this conduit to me?

I’m just not really seeing the use for it

In PvE if you Fade, you drop all aggro so enemies immediately stop attacking you

In PvP you’re running Greater Fade almost 100% of the time, so enemies can’t hit you

So what’s the point of this conduit existing?

You’re fixating on the wrong thing. It’s a small amount of instant damage reduction with a very short CD that works well with PW Shield.

  • Raid Mechanic targeting you? Fade to reduce incoming damage
  • Help soak the charge of the 1st boss in Sanguine Depths? Fade to reduce your damage
  • Dot that can’t be dispelled? Fade to reduce damage.
  • Can’t escape an AOE? Fade to reduce damage

Personally I think that’s pretty good for my Holy/Shadow priest.

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macro it with DP for defensive.

It’s a 12% Dr on a 30 second cooldown and it’s off gcd, it should be on an easily reachable keybind so you can pop it before any raid or dungeon mechanic, not just macrod to a defensive (Which is already more than enough to save you without fade) that has 4 times the cooldown.

Macroing fade to dispersion is possibly the worst thing you can do with it.

Desperate player = dp. But, yeah you can pop it whenever you want.

Oh… sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

I claim having just woke up, despite it being nearly 3 when I posted that.

Either way I don’t like macroing defensives together.

That’s a great idea. Not sure why I hadn’t thought of that myself.

I wouldn’t do this. If you hit Fade for the DR right before taking a hit, then you might not be benefitting from the healing of DP. If you are using DP to recover from a damage event, you might not benefit from the DR of Fade (unless there is consistent damage).

DP make your heath bigger, so the incoming damage go through your new 25% health first. It’s a dr that has value of 25% of your health.

You can use it to heal 25%, same thing. The value is still 25% of your health.

I’m aware of how it works.

Actually…let me clarify. Do you mean macro them together and use only one key bind for both abilities? Or separate key binds, one for Fade and one for DP+Fade?

One for Fade and one for DP+Fade.

You can seperate them and choose to press them together If you want, but my fingers are too tired for that.

So I only press Dp+Fade button for big damage. For fade alone, sometimes I’m lazy so I don’t press it much, but I should.

Condensed Anima Sphere is your best Endurance choice, but Translucent image is a good secondary choice for PvP and raiding.

In raids you have bosses with predictable damage patterns so you use it before you get hit. That + Accretion + Anima Sphere is a very nice cushion against incoming damage.

For PvP you’d run it if you’re not using Greater Fade. You can use it as an extra defensive cd.

Anima Sphere is just better because you don’t need to push a button to use it.

For M+ I run Sphere and Mental Recovery because it’s good for helping tanks kite trash.