Transfering my alliance to Sulfuras for the wpvp

Friends and I xfered from Benediction to Sulfuras to join the Wpvp and leveling. We’re starting the guild RISE AGAINST to bring back what was once an awesome server for alliance. Join me and the others to fight back and balance this server once again!

In game name: Imbue

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Look for Perfect Gentlemen when you get on. We got ya.

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Thanks! I’m Imbue in game.

I love this. I’ve finally been noticing more Alliance on the server lately, which is super refreshing. Thanks and keep 'em coming! :slight_smile:

I just started a toon on Sulfuras… haven’t played for awhile now. Get my toon to Stormwind/Goldshire to find an absolutely DEAD server. I mean, literally no one. I don’t see how this could possibly be a medium population server? I was looking for wpvp with a decent population. This must be some kind of joke lol. Literally… no one in SW.

Starting the guild RISE AGAINST if you want to join me and the others. Let’s fight back and balance this server once again!

In game name: Imbue

It’s medium pop, but it’s literally 99% Horde lol.

Well I’m Horde on that server, but it’s still nice to see Alliance around. Sulfuras was originally one of the most balanced servers during Classic, which is what I loved about it. :frowning:

I saw some of you guys leveling in Netherstorm yesterday! I waved and helped kill something with your guild after they engaged it. It was so nice to see red names again, i hope you guys stay. Most of the people i know try to leave the ally alone so they dont leave the server. I hope to see you guys around more!


lol… this did not age very well.

There are 33 online alliance players right now (just type /who)… You will not be finding anyone for World PVP unless you goto PVP RP Grob (or similar).