Transfer questions

Check out the “Faction Split 50/50” post.

Trust me playing every night and not worrying about a wait is so liberating. (former herod player myself)


Server is currently 45/55, which is a solid balance but still a 25% difference favoring Horde. Just be aware that EFs population isn’t super large and there are very few max levels.

Got this link from a recent Wowhead post:

The original Wowhead post in case you’d prefer to start your search there instead of clicking a random link:

(I can’t post actual links, so you’ll have to copy paste them. :P)

Bear in mind, just going to a server’s page and looking at it is very misleading. First, those are not unique players, they are characters made. Second, it’s much safer to look at characters over level 20, ideally level 30. These are more likely to reach max level. Third, while it doesn’t seem to be up for this week, the happy hour graph is a pretty solid idea of looking at unique players online during peak hours. When you factor all of that in, you start getting a better idea of the true population/balance.

Pretty much any zone that Horde have quests in will have more Horde than Alliance. You’ll see groups of 3 Horde that may or may not kill you pretty much everywhere. I don’t think any realm is truly faction balanced but this realm also goes between low and med pop, I’d recommend staying on a high pop server if you don’t have to wait in queues for too long.

Most looking to transfer aren’t on the no-queue servers. Try checking the people interested some time.

I’d still suggest a queue of a certain length over a low/med pop

Agreed. It’s great now, when the game is hyped and the honeymoon phase is alive. But unless it’s prime time, EF is a Low pop server meaning it has under 3500 players total. That’s concerning as hell to me and a lot of other people.

And what happens if your guild on a server like Herod falls apart and you can’t find a guild to match your time, playstyle, etc on a full server? That’s just as concerning. Wasting time in queue with no guaranteed future.

A server like Herod will have hundreds of more options for my schedule. EF will not.

I mean this in no offense, but what you just said was pretty bad logic and is a boon in a larger servers favor, not a lower pop.

You also are acting like Herod’s queue is crazy horrible. It’s not. It takes about 60-90 minutes these days to get on at Prime Time.

That is crazy horrible.

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It used to be 8-9 hours. It’s been going down every week.

I’ll take an hour queue that I can sit in on my way home to the chance that my server will be dead in 6 months.

Are there any alliance left on herod? Lol its not queues that will kill herod it will be faction imbalance- and that is showing itself as a daily problem…unlike the threat of a dead server “in six months”

“iTs bEeN gOiNg dOwN eVeRy wEeK”

ffff outta here with that rofl

The draw for me to consider transferring is not the queue times. It’s the chaos that will ensue on high pop servers when layering is gone. I’m horde and don’t like to worldPvP much while leveling, just looking for the max level word PvP. Thinking on the high pop servers there’s gonna be groups of 40+ people World PvPing instead of the groups of 5 or less you’ll see more often on lower pop servers. Not a fan of massive battles personally. But I do want to be able to easily find groups for dungeons/raids so I keep going back and forth.

Question: Is Earthfury eastern time PvP realm?

I believe so.

Herod’s 30+ Population balance is like 41/59. EF is 45/55 with 5-6x less players.

If you think that’s bad, you’re just deluding yourself.

It is when you consider that difference on Herod is over 10k characters compared to Earthfury’s difference of 1.5k characters. If Herod isn’t careful they could end up with the old Cho’gall (think that is the server that had the issue) issue where the hoard so outnumbered the alliance that all the alliance people pretty much just quit. It is much more likely Earthfury will maintain a good balance.

Granted that is going off old data before Blizzard decided to break /who for addons.

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Pretty much my thoughts. Why stay on a server where you can rarely get on due to long queues and when you get on you’re going to be lucky to get a handful of quests done or farm mats. Sure, you can do raids and dungeons, but they require the prior.