"transfer aborted: instance not found” in Shadowlands

Still been happening to me all last week so glad this Craptastic team Blizz has…Have no clue how to fix it or yet even addressed the problem F them just my 2 cents worth

Every Tuesday when servers come back it is always Transfer Aborted errors. And Blizz don’t care.

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It’s not on your side. It’s Blizzard

Permanently stuck in Oribos.

So i took a flight to oribos and now im floating in “The In-Between” with a bunch of other people, please tell me again how this is my firewalls problem.

Hey all,

There are a lot of different causes for "transfer aborted: instance not found: errors, but I did want to call attention to one specific cause that has been reported a few times in this thread.

Our WoW team is working to resolve an issue that occurs primarily after realm restarts/maintenance which can cause this error to show up when travelling to a new zone (either through flying or portaling). The issue does not need any troubleshooting on the user end, as the problem will clear up on its own after a bit of time.

If you find yourself running into this error right after restarts or maintenance this is likely what is happening. The trigger for this error occurs when your game client can’t successfully connect to the server IP address for the world/instance server that you’re being transferred to, so usually it is just a connectivity issue. In this specific case though it is due to the problem mentioned above.

Hopefully the WoW team will be able to get this one cleared up soon, and thanks for the reports!

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Well i can assure you that ive followed this thread word for word on what to do and how to resolve this issue and I myself am still consistently experiencing the instance not found issue. I get it when i leave any city or area via flight or hearthstone, i get it when trying to enter any dungeon or raid, pretty much anytime i go anywhere else than where i load into i end up at the in between and never leave until about the 6th try. This is absolutely ridiculous, There is no way all these folks along with myself all experience the exact same issue without this being a Blizzard issue 100%. This game is nearly unplayable 40% of the time, and for the amount people pay monthly plus xpacs, transfers etc etc this game should be smooth.

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Game is unplayable. Played yesterday briefly and came back last night, and I cannot use a portal, change zones, hearth, etc. transfer aborted: instance not found

Guess I will wait a few days to see if anything is done before cancelling my sub.

I have experienced similar problems – currently, I am unable to get to Ironforge. I have tried teleporting and manually flying there. I keep getting pushed back and told “instance not found”. I also tried submitting a ticket, but that system kicks back an error. This game is now unplayable for me. I’ve tried everything and am at wit’s end.

Having the same issue. Loading screens not loading, leading to either disconnects or transfer aborted error message. Occasionally it will load after minutes of waiting. Game is unplayable. It has been running fine all expansion until this week. My latency starts at 40~ when I login and slowly increases to the hundreds until I eventually log off. Loading screens don’t load 8 out of 10 times.

I’ve done everything everyone has mentioned in the posts above and nothing has changed. I’ve played this game for over a decade and haven’t ran into an issue like this that has prevented me from playing for this long of a duration.

Was planning on buying a new router prior to reading this post, it seems that has nothing to do with it. Would love for this issue to be fixed sooner rather than later.

This has just started happening to me too. My latency is normal, nothing seems amiss… I fly somewhere in SL, its time to land and… falling through the world and Transfer Aborted: instance not found. Singularly unimpressed.

Exact same problem for the last two days now, been playing SL daily since expansion release and WoW since 2005, never had this problem before.

Just today this is now starting to happen to me. I cannot get into Bastian, but I was able to move around Revendreth and doing dungeons just fine. I start flying into Bastian, it says instance not found and kicks me out into a void, falling, eventually dying and now it won’t port me to a graveyard. I’ve tried going to Bastian some 5 times now with the same result.

Started to happen to me about 2-3 hours ago. I can’t get to oribos or stormwind right now. Keeps telling me instance not found. If I try long enough eventually I’ll get in. I just need to make sure that if I am flying in SL through Oribos I remove all my gear because I’ll die if I get “instance not found” /sigh.

I just flew(flightmaster) out from Oribos and got “transfer aborted” dropped me off and now I am falling and I keep falling… nothing is stopping me from falling. I see a dot far up in the sky… Oribos. This is pretty ridiculous I know I am falling because my companion pet is constantly warping on top of me. Hopefully I hit the bottom and die… unless I will keep falling for an eternity because it’s SL after all.

Edit: after 1-2 minutes I finally hit what appeared to be the bottom and died. Wonderful. My corpse appears to be in some sort of limbo. I see crazy things and I don’t think we players are suppose to see. I’m like inside of something and when I click “return to graveyard” it loads and then the instance error.

Looking at the world map I’m in between oribos and Mald. I am under the map looking up and it looks ridiculous.

this has been happening to TONS of people especially the last couple days. Tich (my server) is currently broken. Hundreds of people got dc’d two or three times while doing Twisted Corridors in Torghast. Personally, I was on floor 17 when I dc’d and was unable to log back in for 30 mins at least. Yesterday I was constantly dcing in dungeons and depleting keys. This is a big problem for people who are pushing content and even people who just enjoy playing the game non competitively. Please Blizz, this is not an issue on our end. It is a server side issue and it started ever since SL launch. Please fix this.


ive been getting this error since tuesday and still cannot zone into Ardenwield. the bug isnt clearing its self up “over time” exaclty how much of my game time do i have to give up for this i should have a legendary by now but i havent even been able to start my questline all week

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So I’ve had this problem occur sporadically since the launch of SL. I will queue for a 3v3 arena, queue pops, I hit enter, loading screen, loading screen goes away and I’m back where I queued from with the deserter buff and the error text saying “transfer aborted: Instance not found.” It also happens to my 3’s partner, but not at the same time. Very frustrating for it to happen in 3v3 because we lose rating from it. Collectively nearly ~200 rating lost, feels bad.


Today it has gotten to the point where I cannot fly anywhere in SL without getting stuck and bugging my characters, not sure when this will be fixed. I have tried everything people have mentioned here and still no reprieve.


Literally can’t load into my own covenant sanctum. Now my character is bugged off the map, again, and it’s a bit tedious to always use the character stuck service on the website.

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I have this issue. I just keep curse open to update addons when it happens and i dont get it anymore. the pace at which addons update is killing it.