<Transcend> [Area 52] Weekends - Sat/Sun 6hrs - 11/12M LFM N'ZOTH

on the lookout

Looking for more

on the lookout

still seeking

still seeking

on the look out

LF Holy Paladin

on the lookout

on the lookout

still seeking

still seeking

What classes are you looking for?

still on the lookout!

still seeking more dps to push!

Looking for more!

Still on the lookout

if you guys are still on the look and have a spot for a melee DPS I am interested.
currently sitting at 11/12 H Ny’alotha 456 Ilvl Unholy DK current neck is lvl 77 and cape is weekly capped.

my battle tag is Klownz#11525 add me and we can talk

still seeking more

On the lookout

updated, lfm to push