Trans Women ARE Women

you got to give credit to the op he did his job pretty good. he’s brought so many people out in this thread that are here regularly. we got sports in here all the typical lgbt banter how to raise kids all kinds of good stuff. do your posts bring this much attention. i think we all might be clowns wouldn’t you say?

My laundry list? Its not my laundry list. You never went to school to learn about the differences between males and females?



We know we should report the thread then mute it but we all secretly (not so secretly) love the drama.


I asked a question. Can you answer it?



Not really, just for some reason the mods didn’t 404 it when the reports rolled in.

So technically, Blizzard is trolling its own boards at this point.


And there it is, reducing female bodied people to baby factories.

I was never infertile before I learned transition from female to male was a thing, yet I had no desire to reproduce, no material instinct, no desire to play with baby dolls, certainly don’t like children or feel any positive emotion towards the. I knew at age 4 that I never wanted kids. Age 4. If making babies was my purpose, then why is it that I knew by age 4 that it wasn’t for me?

People say I’ll change my mind. That my internal clock is ticking. That it’s different when it’s your own. I never once changed my mind in 36 years and I finally got a hysterectomy four years ago and it was the best decision I’ve ever made alongside transitioning. Not one single regret.

Why is that?


everyone could of stayed out of it it wouldn’t be sitting at the top of forums right now. it ain’t always on the mods. someone says something then there’s this banter back and forth all over again.

That’s why these conversations always focus so hard on defining women and nobody ever seems to care too much what defines a man.


Because a lot of posters here are failed twitter activists that have to signal boost these things.


In any case, this thread should have been locked. The mods are responsible for this one.

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and ya i called myself a clown to for coming here again.


Agreed. Especially at this point in time-- they have seen this thread and unflagged the OP.


Oh good, that means I can flag it again.


Good point.

Though between you and me, as an FtM I’m more of a guy than most of the dudes breying about sports and reproduction and I’m not even passing.


Did you just say something I agree with?

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The mods have literally no perception of context, I remember when the whole thallia harassment was happening and the mods admitted that they look at the post and nothing else allowing trolling to go rampant

It’s ridiculous :confused:


You never answered my question? If trans women are women can I get one pregnant? Is it even remotely possible? Could they produce eggs at all? Different physical features like a pelvis that allows the baby to pass through it?

I dont know what your point is with that menopause thing. Its the same line of thinking of “well what if those sexual organs no longer work” they still have or had those organs in the first place. Its a bad argument made by people that dont know what a female is because they didnt pay attention in school.


I have no idea what you’re talking about but I’m curious.

I’ve had suspensions for quoting blizzard devs directly, but this flies.



Okay fine, let’s try another thought experiment:

Say a girl is born, completely cis, but through a genetic defect she is born without a uterus.

Is or is not this person female?

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