Tranquility meme

are they going to nerf tranquility and the t1 set bonus?


Is it fun?


Looks fun.

You can spam tranq without a CD.

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Doubtful? It’s not like a game breaking mechanic. Seems like a lot of work to down that boss versus just doing mechanics

Its been mentioned on the forums before but there was very little talk about it so Blizzard may not have noticed until people started making videos.

We’ll see I guess, the items are behaving as they are intended to and you’d lose alot of stats by using lvl 60 raid gear as the cost of doing this.

Sarthe made a video.

It’s doomed now.


I mean you have infinite no CD 0 mana cost tranq lmfao

You move the druid into each party to full heal the party then move him to the next group.

I never keep my old gear and we didn’t do MC on fresh. If y’all wanna ping pong someone around to heal I don’t see why it’s a big deal. Not a crazy difficult encounter to begin with

Probably nerf inc. then.

Yeah they’re going to make the set not work on anything above level 60.

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They nerfed warrior with fiery enchant
They nerfed the mana regen helm swap thing
They nerfed Unholy DKs doing crazy snapshot things
They’re gonna nerf this


Should 100% be nerfed, cheesing wotlk content with vanilla tier is stupid.

That logic doesn’t apply to druids. Did you forget about Wolfshead Helm? The level 40 rare hat that was, arguably, BiS for feral druid all the way through TBC.


Not that I play 69 twinks but I wonder how many toons will be rekt by making lvl 60 set bonuses only work for lvl 60’s. Especially the HWL pvp set that people use to level.

Both of my 69 twinks wearing 138 ilvl gear and just smash, BUT, that is absolute garbage they couldn’t figure a way to make it so a Lv.60 t1 wouldn’t work for exploitive strategies in the LV.80 content it affected.

No one cares about twinks, twinking is for people that can’t handle real PvP.

The meme is Blizzard not paying attention until it was on YouTube.

The gif is blizzard fixing the t1 tranquility interaction and not fixing t8

The truth is Droods just want t8 and WG to function properly. The dude just wanted his rug back. It really tied the room together. Ya dig?

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They tried to apply the tbc fix for that but druids whined that it was possible until bt or so… And the devs backed down.

Prob not this time.

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That had nothing to do with Wolfhead Helm or the talent Furor. It had to do with the way energy ticks functioned and a change that unintentionally affected the 20 extra energy you would normally get from timing your power shift correctly by resetting the energy tick timer on shift rather than letting it carry over.

Even if they had left that tick change in, you would have still used the Wolfshead Helm, taken the talent furor, and powershifted to do higher DPS.

That was the whole issue with the change—which wasn’t a change made to address powershifting in the first place. It was made for an interaction between spells like evocate and haste IIRC—it didn’t change the feral druid powershift play style at all. The change just nerfed a middle of the pack DPS spec. That taken in tandem with the fact that the change and it’s unintentional ramifications were only present for about 50% of the game’s life and way less than 50% of the content made for a compelling reason not to include it.

And the devs backed down.

The dev’s didn’t “back down”. They investigated and interviewed with the original TBC devs who worked on that patch and heard straight from the horse’s mouth that it wasn’t a change intended to affect Feral Druid Powershifting.

Say what you want about whether using the t1 8 piece to cheese Tranquility is an exploit or emergent game play, but the powershifting changes from TBC are not an analogous comparison.

Cool opinion. I’ve been 2200+ Wrath thru WoD. I never twink’d back then but I do now because I like playing all classes in PVP and no way would I gear out every single one of them at 80. Time sink fail dude.

Sounds like your were cannon fodder against a twink and are salty. Lol