Trading retail tokens/gold for your classic gold!

So as far as I’m aware this is fair game as far as blizz is concerned. (I expect they’ll delete this if that is not the case)

In anycase, I need gold and don’t want to spend the next eternity saving for epic riding and all the other crafted gear and consumables and what have you that I need. I’ve got tons of retail gold as I’ve been playing since day 1 but don’t have the time or patience to farm gold/mats/everything on top of grinding dungeons and raiding

So to the point, my retail chars and gold are on Kilrogg/Winterhoof. If you need gold retail and are on that server or if you just want to trade your classic gold for game time hit me up here or in game mail and we can talk.

Hey whats your name on Kilrogg? Just curious as I played back in vanilla on that server and am now on Whitemane as well.

Originally I played this guy up until Wotlk when I rolled a DK.

I have added you (Brucebaner) in classic will Pst!

Made my first trade last night and things went smooth!

Anyone else in need of a token in exchange for their classic gold just message me in game or here and I’ll get back to you when I can.

Brief breakdown of how it works:

  1. realid friend eachother
  2. both log into retail characters on the Kilrogg server (horde side)
  3. party up and meet at the org AH and I trade you the current gold equivalent of a token that you can then buy
  4. log back to classic and trade me the classic gold

I’ll be looking forward to getting more trades made!

PS. Hope you all have a happy thanksgiving!

What’s your exchange rate though?

I’d rather discuss that in game to avoid people jumping in trolling with fake undercuts. Message me in game though and I will be forward with you on the rate.

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