Trading post won't get people to play

I truly don’t understand this thinking. The Trading Post is a DragonFlight feature. It doesn’t matter if it’s located in the main cities. When Wrath came out, you could board the boat/zeppelin for Northrend at the dock/tower in either city, but you would be dropped off back where you started if you didn’t have the expansion.

Lol they had the roadmap for content release out. Way to try and troll harder. See how you twist and lie to try and make you look smart for trashing on wow all the time. 46 days after release of a game you don’t typically get new content at all. So you complaining you are only getting the trading post when every other game you would have nothing makes sense. Why do you even pay to play this game anymore and why pretend to act like you care? Such a joke.

These people have an expectation that they get at least one upgraded piece of gear per dungeon or raid. These are also the same people who think that their time playing a video game is more important than others because they view their time as valuable. Because they can make x amount of money in real life per hour. As if everyone’s playtime isn’t worth the same amount per month lol.

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See saying things like this is why your opinion is such trash

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I don’t understand all these complaints about gear drops

Gear is given out everywhere; vault, M+, storms, raids, PvP, rep, WQ, crafting, AH BoEs. I was geared in like a week

Really seems like a toxic casual suggestion

You haven’t seen a forum :poop:storm yet that would rival the fury of gd if that happened

No loot system has ever been to everyone’s liking.

Yeah… I don’t get it either. Gearing is fairly easy as long as you dedicate more than an hour. You can pretty much buy a full set of 343 from the AH as well. So I don’t get it.

Also the Trading Post isn’t giving people gear; it’s cosmetics, mounts, pets, and toys. Not exactly pay to win as what’s being implied by the anti-trading post rhetoric going around.

with what ? 4 % or less of playerbase ? lmao get real buddy brutosaur should be back ask around make a poll only ones that dont want it back are elitist fomo cultists and that my friend is 100 % less than 4 % player base.

It’s ringing alarm bells that the whiners are out in full force again.

Stop asking for free stuff. If you don’t like the game, maybe find another one?

DF is the best expansion in YEARS.

If this expansion was Dragonflying only, I’d still enjoy it.

Also the game is doing fine. My server is packed all the time.

You do realize stuff like this was planned before the release right since it was all data mined and the earlier stuff for the trading posts were put in around launch time.

Would be cool if they tied the trading post to achievement points instead of some new currency, then people would really have a reason to go out and do all the things

Eh, I like it being a currency. I do achieves for the sake of doing achieves.

Plus, some achieves are way easier than others. I think it would be hard to balance out the value of the achieves, since the points you get really aren’t equal to the effort for some achieves.

Only for folks that have their tin foil hats on too tight.


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