Trading post won't get people to play

Not sure it’s a tos violation, but it is certainly rude and uncalled for. I disagree with you myself, but I don’t think you’re mentally ill or that you have no life outside of WoW. I don’t understand the hatred you and others seem to have for the game, but that doesn’t mean your feelings are invalid.

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Its true. This place is filled with mentally sick people who see things backwards. Wow is the culprit, its the poison, and the people defending it are the worst offenders.

They are showing their age and maturity level when they use mental illness as an insult. I mean, come on, at least be creative if you are going to insult someone. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!”

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Oh yeah, well your a nice person take that!! :wink:

That’s a really low blow.

But I guess that’s as high as you can reach. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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That’s a low blow…get it? Low!!!

Bahahahahahaha :rofl:

I got a trading post one. How about a complete day of not blowing up when we research alchemy. Gwad!! I blow up soooo much!!!

You forgot the magic 8 ball SHAME ON YOU :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

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They will bring back even stuff they deny.

Here is an current discussion from the High Elf topics which went into the same problematic and the miraculous conclusion:

Never take anything serious what the developers say. The truth is simple: If enough a) people get upset about it and b) sub numbers fall, they will bring x back.

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Seriously do people use this form for anything other than crying? Double the loot drops… are you delusional or just trash at gearing?? Gearing is easy as in DF

The game has several issues and will face real competition with the Riot MMO coming in the next years. They need to step up, because League of Legends is massive and even if only 10% of the player base is going to play it, it will have more players than WoW.

But some people around here say it wont happen! Lol they will be proven wrong.

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They will perhaps leave this option open for people who don’t have actual subs and still live from their WoD/Legion mission table incomes.

Ya know you should have added a ‘wake up sheeple!’ to this. :joy:

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League player base and viewership has been stagnant if not on the decline for years now. The MMO needs to stand on its own two legs or it will fail miserably if it plans to just cash in on brand popularity. We can be optimistic but still no MMO can compete with the end game that wow has so I will wait for the proof. Many a game has been heralded as the wow killer, none have been successful yet.


This is why I RP. It makes the game far more enjoyable to create stories with characters than complain about certain content.

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Trading post is cosmetics. People are upset with the loot system because they want upgrades. These two things are not related.


As mentioned before, the bonus points requiring owning DF is too much of a coincidence.

How the looting works is likely just one piece to a complex puzzle of quality dissatisfaction amongst the community.

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