Trading gold?

Is it legal or is it against TOS to trade retail gold for Wrath gold? I was just wondering. I am having an extremely hard time making gold since I am so late to classic. I do not want to do this if there is a chance I could get banned, just looking for clarification.

Yes it’s illegal

I’ll see if I can find some links, but there was a lot of discussion about this when WoW Classic first came out.

The gist is that it’s fine, but not supported if you get scammed.

No it is not but they will not support you if you get scammed. Blizzard has said this directly more than once

you can do trade retail gold for classic and that’s safe, you can gift them the Token or game time for classic gold, also funny fact is that many classic players buy guild from their guildies and nothing happening to them, it looks like a lot of people buy / sell gold and they been doing that in past 3years and non ever got banned “except the clueless people who buy gold from bots” in-case you don’t know? WoW now is a heaven for real money trades.


Blizzard allows it, but they wont do anything to protect you from being scammed.

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As many said here. It is perfectly fine to trade retail gold for classic gold and vice versa. However it is not officially supported and they will not help you if you get scammed.

Trade small amounts at a time.

It is allowed but has risk of getting ripped off. There are a few discords dedicated to doing this and even offer middle man services.

Nah you can do it, I used to do it all the time. There are dedicated swapping discords from Retail to Classic, make sure you pick the swappers with trust levels + lots of transactions and you pay a small percentage and that’s it.

If you need a link to a big one, lmk.


Thanks all.

Ya it’s not against ToS but you are SoL if you get scammed so look for trustworthy people.

There are some nice ways to make some gold via old vanilla dungeons btw. On my Ret Pally (mostly S4 PvP geared with some T6) I can clear out Scholomance (every add) in less than 30 mins and aside from Blue/Epic BoE’s/recipies (note those that sell on the AH) I vendor everything and make around 100-150g, so 200-300g per hour because I have the trinket to see the ghosts and repair/vendor at that ghost outside.

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