Trading Classic Gold

Hello everyone!

In preparation for TBC Classic I am trying to consolidate all of my gold on servers I will no longer play on. As of this time, I have roughly 700g on the classic Kromkrush US server (Alliance) that I’d like to trade for either

-The equivalent amount of classic gold on US Sulfuras (Horde)
-Converted to retail gold on the US server Bleeding Hollow (Horde)

The conversion rate I am using for classic to retail gold is 1:300. If anyone is interested in either of these options, send me a message here or on BNET (Sinistral#1740) and we can iron out the details.


*Final tally of gold on Kromkrush is 748g and some odd change, would convert to 224,000 retail gold. HMU

I have a horde toon on bleeding hollow and horde on sulfuras I’m looking to trade bleeding hollow gold for sulfuras?