Trader Tender is NOT coming to the Cash Shop

Not by the way you worded your post.

That’s belittling someone else over their post by laughing at their supposed lack of knowledge.

That is assuming a sub-only MMORPG would do the same, as somehow “evidence” that it was okay for you to laugh at someone else.

Sure thing. I would just suggest learning how to do so without laughing at others, though. It came across extremely haughty and dismissive.

Again, going to respond in a kind manner; you really went sideways on that. The point could be made, which I will note, that text does a poor job of conveying emotion. Fair enough. When I’m being quasi sarcastic going forward, I’ll use the /s to convey it. Again, fair point.

You really gotta ease up though, my friend. You’re going to give yourself a coronary. There’s no reason to get so upset in arms about this conversation.

I’m perfectly fine, thanks. I have zero emotion in my posts or towards you. Simply pointing out how it came across. That doesn’t involve any sort of anger or anything or any reason to attempt to gaslight me. No one is up in arms. No one is upset.

Are you doing this in the Billy Mays or Vince Offer voice? Inquiring minds need to know.

Didn’t they say boosts and tokens wouldn’t be in Classic WoW? How’d that end up?

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They aren’t in Classic WoW. They’re in Wrath Classic. And no, they aren’t the same.

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Unfortunately not, already researched that. They just said, before Classic launched, that the token would not be a part of that at release, but they never said that it wouldn’t come in the future. It was already a red flag until recently that they never ruled this out.

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Blizzard calls it Classic. The original Classic is Classic Era.

Keep stretching to find reasons to be upset. :+1:

It seems like you’re upset at my post, wouldn’t that fit you more?

I’m not upset at anything. You’re the one making excuses for something that’s a non-issue. I have zero reason to have any emotion towards your posts or you.

If it was a non issue, why are people posting about it? Why were shop assets created?

Then stop prescribing emotions to other posts, it makes it seem like you do.

If you read the article, then maybe you’d understand. But since it doesn’t seem you read anything, then I’ll assume you just came in here to jump on a bandwagon and troll. Enjoy your day.

You’re the one doing that, not me. You didn’t read all the blue posts that said boosts and tokens don’t fit with Classic and will never be added. I will point out that - expansions bundle packs and other bundle packs are exclusively on the shop. You can’t buy them in a physical store.

Again, it wasn’t added to Classic. It was added to Wrath. And they had no choice after what happened to Wrath. But I guess we’ll just ignore all of that, too.

I really wish people would read before posting. This illogical argument has been done to death. Adding them into a 6 month sub or to an expansion— like they already did— is not selling Tender in the shop by itself, nor is it even selling Tender.

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If you would please check your game folders, Classic is the version that continues to go forward. Classic era, is Vanilla. Sorry if that confuses you.

Idk that seems to be your thing not mine

It is indeed selling tender especially if it bypasses the cap.

You can’t truly be acting this obtuse to not understand that Classic and Wrath are two different things, right?

Please enlighten me as to how you had Tender sold to you for owning DF.

Please enlighten me as to how you pay for Tender in a 6 month sub, instead of getting a mount.

Didn’t he also say microtransactions were never coming to Classic?

Dear god I truly wish people would read a thread before posting. I’m not having this nonsensical debate again.

Seeing/hearing is not always believing. What Ion says doesn’t always match up with his actions.