Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur $90.00 Ripoff!

Nobody except a few microscopic minority of individuals tried making it their business, and a handful of people served their business directly to the rest of us when they got weird about it lol

Nobody ever said calling people stupid for buying the mount was right, but people like Liolang played directly into that insult by living on this forum 24/7 for the past three weeks and indiscriminately lashing out at anyone who disagreed with them lol

Like, you call people poor or jealous for reasonably critiquing the mount, then you will get a response that’s less than favorable towards you. Not sure what’s so difficult to understand lmao

No feeding someone who tosses bait out there for you to bite and buy into it, then to go back at them for weeks now. Just proves the point to some degree in some places. Just saying, you might want to rethink the whole who is trolling who and cant just walk away and ignore the bait.

I love watching people who think, they are somehow going to win by just trying to get the last word in on everything someone from whom is just tossing out bait endlessly just to get them to bite at it.

Excluding my posts from TODAY, my most recent post in this thread, even about this topic, is 20 days old.

I’m here because one whale decided to be butthurt and picked a fight they shouldn’t have. I try to parse in classic wow for christ sake, I got a tism he can’t handle, and as long as he keeps his post history open, he won’t see the last of me. That’s out of his choice now.

I don’t think anything when it comes to this thread. I gave up trying to have a decent discussion long ago, and I’m not trying to “win” anything lol

This thread is simply my entertainment to get through the day while I wait for clients to return my emails lmao

You yelling at people or calling them names sure is not going to stop them from buying it and sure is not going to stop Microsoft from selling it. The market is there for it, and the company is going to take full advantage of it.

So unless you disown everything that has anything to do with Microsoft in it. You are just along for the ride and see how it ends up at the end of the road.


I tried for the first 36 hours or so of this mount sale to be civil with the kiddies, but the name calling and insulting trash was over the top. Instead of apologizing for it theyve all just doubled down on it like this gent did a while back…

Look buddy, you do something stupid, I’m calling you stupid.
Just because you don’t like the truth don’t mean I ain’t saying the truth.
so yes, I will state it loud and clear

They turned this from just a high priced mount to personal insults, so they get what they get as far as Im concerned

The mount is 90 bucks.
They’ll have to …‘cope’…as one of them said above.

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At first I thought that was outrageous and decided not to purchase one. I am in between jobs atm and money is very tight, but the more I thought about it costing $90 and thinking of the Warcraft® 30th Anniversary Mount Bundle for $30, which includes 4 flying mounts for both classic and retail, the more I thought we were getting the better deal!!! $90 + $30 = $120 for 4 flying mounts and one AH/Mail ground mount. Doing the math, that comes out to $24 per mount. I understand spending so much at once, but in the long run, it is us that comes out on the better end, but for those, like myself, even that is out of reach.

Some people feel that Blizzard was being inconsiderate to the wow community in pricing the mount at $90.00. Some people feel that if other people buy the mount their purchase serves to enable and encourage blizzard charging even higher prices for cash-shop items. In the future.

Some people say that it’s not anyone’s business how they spend their money. But in this case it directly affects the entire community. I think that a little understanding and mutual sympathy can be beneficial for all concerned parties in having rational discussions about the topic.

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You guys are still going? LMAO.

  • 90 USD is an insane price for a digital artifact.
  • People with disposable income will still buy it because it gives them additional benefits. We call them whales.
  • If the whales continue to just buy up whatever Blizzard shovels, Blizzard will keep shoveling.

People who don’t want to spend 90 USD for a mount try to convince the whales to not buy so Blizzard stops hiking prices.

Whales scream and yell because they equate money with power and questioning them means questioning their power.

WAY past caring about any of that given the behavior in from your side son

wishing DEATH on someone over a video game?
way past childish and pathetic …

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and yet you have nothing to say about $60 for a boost that blizzard gets paid for all the time lol
More selective outrage. lol

I think boosts are awful in general and shouldn’t even exist let alone 60 USD, goes for the token as well. I also think cash shops are a detriment to any game and just encourages whales. All items should be available to be earned through effort in the game.

sorry son…Ive never seen you toss fits about boosts in here, so not buying it.

good for you…skyrim is that way :point_right: :point_right:

You just did. I’ve discussed RMT, GDKP, tokens. All are unhealthy cancers on the game.

again…not buying it. Railing about it after I called it out isnt convincing…sorry.
and as i said…

…if you dont like the game store, cope…its not going away, now is it?
And raging in here about it isnt gonna change that.

You know the thing, right?
its been in many great movies…

“…and the wisdom to know the difference”


You literally can earn anything in this game through effort. Farm gold, convert to token, redeem token for store credit, go wild in the shop.


yeah? and i asked YOU all two days into this feces storm to stop calling names over 90 bucks you clearly dont have to spend, but your side has chosen to escalate that trash to literally wishing death on people now over a video game…so i couldnt care less what you asked at this point…

talk at someone else son…youre no longer worthy of my time

lmao…yeah…I/we are the nasty trolls in here. lmao

Any time someone gives you proof or a sufficient answer this is always your reply. I would love to play poker with you.

Rather be me than you.


And who said that was my goal.

I already said why I do it, stop making up fictional stories as your narrative.

? I’m just calling you a whale.

Which is what you are.