The level 43 classic dwarf priest accusing people of sock puppeting. How rich.
None of these people are actually people with real values and beliefs. They’re just here to serve as contrarians and denigrate anyone who rightfully criticizes Blizzard for being a scummy company.
when you have to call names over OUR choice to spend OUR money how WE see fit…all youre doing is sounding like a 6 year old on the playground screeching that the big kids wont let you play on the slide, lol
you all not getting that fact just makes it SOOOO much more entertaining lol
If you all were smart, youd just say ‘its too much money’ and walk away instead of over a week of rants about OUR hobby spending habits lmao
Says bliz is a scummy company…CONTINUES to give that scummy company his money
I have proven stuff multiple times with links. None of you ever look. You always so you will but you will not. You can go and Google it and see that I am right that they are losing subs now and also way faster than ever before.
And why give us Baby Blizzard Bear for WoWs 20th. That is just Blizard being lazy. I have always wanted a Sun Bear pet. So in other words I get 0 added pets for this event. And I had the green Baby Blizzard Bear pet idol still. It was sitting in my bank since WoTLK times…Blizzard just deleted it. You used to click on the pet to learn it but there would be a version of it there left behind.
Maybe this comes as a shock to you, but someone can still consume something and view the company producing that thing as scummy.
I like WoW. I will continue to play WoW. It doesn’t change my opinion that Blizzard’s monetization practices are garbage and don’t belong in a game with a subscription and paid-for expansions.
[quote=“Avelmaegwyn-crusader-strike, post:897, topic:1992781”]
I have proven stuff multiple times with links.
No no, I mean source your claim right now. As in, prove it. I don’t accept “trust me bro” as an argument.
So because the one specific pet that you personally want isn’t added and it should be because you specifically are sooooooooooooooo important wow should be F2P and is dying.
Get real.
WoW isnt about you or your singular desire for a very specific pet.
I believe a company can make money how ever it wants to keep a product going for as long as they can. As long as people want to pay for it, let them sell it.
Lots of terrible things going on in the world for you to get upset about. People getting killed. People being mean. Game company making extra money by selling cartoon mount to play in their game is not worth all this outrage.
Most of us accept that for-profit content creators seek to monetize their efforts. It’s how the game keeps going. Profitable games get supported. Unprofitable games wither away. Yes WoW charges a subscription. When’s the last time that subscription went up in price? You think some of the creative team got raises since then? Think maybe there’s been some inflation?
Real question shouldn’t be whether Blizz has right to monetize their game; real question should be how they’re going to invest those profits.
Go look up a Game called Lords Mobile. You Pay 15$ a month to play a game . Those players spend on avg $500 a week and some spend thousands a week to play the game. You have no idea what a Gotcha game is. A wow mount dose not stop you from playing the game
Why don’t you people get real? I don’t like having random people asking me for links that they never end up clicking on anyways. You want to know it so much? Look it up yourself. I’ll do you one better. Post a link right now that shows me wrong and shows you to be right. Where’s your link? And I did not get a NEW pet from this event. I already have the pet. I have WoW’s 4th achieve which is how you get the pet. I still have Baby Blizzard Bear in unlearned idol pet form on some of my toons. They should have given out a new pet for the event. Not the exact same thing that the majority of us already have. That came out in WoTLK. I’m pretty sure most posting here were around during original WoTLK. Most people playing today already have the pet. Why give us something that most of us already have? Different pet for a different event, not the same exact pet for a different event.
Your entire post history is you trying to get a rise out of random people and insulting them until they do what you want them to do and then you back off as soon as someone says something you don’t like. Get off of that low level Classic posting alt. Feels bad to be bad I guess. Go level.