Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur $90.00 Ripoff!

I didnt want to get into it with that one, but yeah

Asmongold, an American Twitch streamer, YouTube sensation, and content creator, boasts a net worth of $11 million.Nov 25, 2023

data? You expect data? When did that become necessary to make any old claims we want? lol :wink:

Its hilarious to me how they keep whining about the CASH shop.
the CASH shop where you can buy ANYTHING by farming gold and buying tokens lol, so not a CASH shop to anyone who doesnt want it to be.
Blizzard has the PERFECT set up here inthat regard.
I can pay cash if I want…or I can farm some gold…“earn it in game” as it were.

And still they tantrum. lol

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Silly rabbit, trix are for kids.

:musical_note:Who’s the leader of the club that’s made for you and me
Hey dear, hi dear, ho dear, you’re as welcome as can be
Mickey Mouse (Mickey Mouse)
Mickey Mouse (Mickey Mouse)
Forever let us hold our banner high
High, high, high
Come along and sing a song and join the jamboree
M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E :notes:

It’s a mount. Split hairs with someone else.

Buy it or don’t.


Im going to be honest…I have no clue on this one lol

New brutosaur: $90. You can buy it for 6 tokens. At about 260k gold, that’s 1.56 million gold. A far cry from the original 5 million the BFA one cost.

Old brutosaur: 5 million gold. Tokens existed then and sold for around 120k gold at the time if I recall. At that price, to get 5 million gold, you needed 42 tokens. That cost you $840! That’s assuming you also didn’t tank the token market selling so many tokens at once.

If you want to buy the old brutosaur now off the BMAH, to get the 10 million gold you need to cap a bid, you’d need 39 tokens assuming they get you 260k gold each. That’s $780. It’s not exactly any cheaper now than it was in BFA.

You can bet players are out there that have sold enough tokens to get gold capped.

So who’s the whale? Those trying to get the original brutosaur for real money or the ones spending $90? The new one is considerably cheaper. If anyone’s a whale, it’s the players who bought the original brutosaur.

That’s also ignoring how much gamers are spending in China on the spectral tiger which now apparently flies for them. Yeesh.

And yes, I bought the new brutosaur since I didn’t have the gold or money back in BFA to buy the original one nor was I expecting them to remove it it. Removing it and then putting in on the BMAH was a bad move in of itself. Should have just left it alone or made it very clear from the START of BFA that it was going to be removed at the end. Announcing removals of things at expansion ends or even in patches is never a good way to build good will with players. It’s better to be upfront from the start that something is limited time only and for how long it’s available.


We already did the hair splitting. No need to get triggered. I say we give it away free now.

I have unsubbed. The replies to this thread are just as bad as the $90 mount. This community and this game are not what they used to be.

can I has your gold? I need a mount.


Is it true that by purchasing this we get to pick a 2nd piece of loot via the weekly vault?

$100 I can do.
800…not in this lifetime, I dont care how much money Id have to do it with lol.

the new bruto?
Fine by me.
I chose to pay 200 bucks for two of them.
I got mine under the conditions I agreed to.
Im perfectly fine if they give it to everyone else free.
I’ll live either way

Don’t buy it and just use the 100000 other ones

No it doesn’t. Plenty of PC games are P2W microtransaction (or in this case macrotransaction) cesspools.

A whale is not someone who pays $90.00. A whale is someone who is spending $90,000.00 on stuff.

Unless the thing you want is gilded crests lol. I could care less about mounts, although the way things are going I wouldn’t be shocked if gilded crests made their way into the in game cash shop.

lmao…EVERYTHING in the cash store can be ‘EARNED’ in game and that one knows it.
Farm gold…get tokens…sell tokens…get $$$ credit…by crap…‘earned’ in game lol

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No it can’t. How do you earn the new brutosaur? Are you talking about selling WoW tokens lol?

That’s bad faith my friend. That’s like saying you “earned” the gladiator title because you worked really hard to start a company and made a bunch of money which you then used to pay Pikaboo to fly out to play your account and get you the title.

I bought it just to irritate all of those people that ground out gold, bought tokens, or whatever to get the other one, and I only mount up on it when someone has the other one out.

Personally, I am very happy that ActiBlizz is bringing these hard to get or “discontinued” mounts and items back, and I hope they bring them all back in the future.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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yeah…was it that obvious?
you do content…you earn gold…you do tokens…you ‘earn’ it by playing the game instead of paying cash.

no friend…its simply reality.

No it’s not, or people wouldn’t all be so mad lol.

There’s a big difference between buying tokens to get something in game with gold and selling gold to buy a mount in the Blizzard cash shop.

If you can’t see the difference, you are just oblivious.

It is exactly a QoL thing. Just makes AH access easier and available no matter where you are instead of having to go back to a major town for it. And makes mailbox access available everywhere as well without having to use either a racial (Nightborne), or any of the numerous toys, or just walking 5 feet in any city in the game. That’s literally it. Just makes AH and mailbox access personally easier without taking away any existing availability of the AH or mailboxes. It is the literal definition of a QoL extravagance item.