Trade Chat Emojis for only $3.99/Month


I thought I read somewhere that it is against the game rules to try and create images of any sort in chat (like making pics with symbols and so on). I would imagine they don’t like that so cant see them deliberately creating the same thing.

Me, I want a toy that lets you paint grafitti on city walls. Not any words you understand, just a set of specific things like “Gnomes rule, Goblins drool” and with the ability to match the location language. Imagines my Gnome rogue sneaking into Org and putting that one up…

I’m sure they could pull this off just fine. Ppl underestimate just how many proud shills daddy blizz still has


I fully endorse and understand why you went with him

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I’m not questioning anyone’s capability here, I know they have the talent to make it happen if they wanna go that route, I’m just thinking that the game engine may not support it that is all.

There are indeed and completely free.

People that volunteer to pay extra for a feature in a game they already bought AND pay a monthly subscription for are disturbing


I wish they would so I can feel good saving $3.99/month.

Name some addons that allows players the use of emojis in trade chat, and I mean full blown emojis like the ones on your phone. Yeah wait, there are none as I thought.

As an aside, my mom was defending ad breaks on our disney plus sub because she refused to pay enough to remove ads. I mentioned there was a time where ads on streaming services weren’t even a thing and she got defensive like i was personally attacking her for it.

No i was just mentioning streaming services used to not be crap and them making you pay more to bring it back to the original service being provided is awful.


I don’t care, as long as I don’t have to see them. If you want me to see your emojis, you have to pay the $3.99 to ME.


Feel free to apologize for being both wrong, and a jerk. You can install these through CurseForge btw. I prefer Temni myself.

idk man twitch/kick does it for free.

i dont think adding emotes justifies charging monthly , or at all.

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Just because of threads like this, i’d actually pay $10 to get my dislike button back.

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Too much is what it is

Blizzard has plenty of money, they don’t need to be paid another sub for something to minimal

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I haven’t looked at these addons, but based on the cheer number of players who installed them I’d say there’re garbo addons and not what I have in mind. My vision is a full blown emoji system and this is not it as you are trying to make it sound like.

Well, not everybody in this game uses emojis. So it’s obvious that it would not be a super popular option. Especially since total Role-play three actually has built-in emojis. So anybody that’s using them is probably already using a role-play addon. Not sure why it’s a big concern for you but oh well.

but that was not the sticking point of you being a jerk. You said there were no add-ons. And there are in fact, at least three that I can think of off the top of my head. so you can quit moving the goal post and apologize.

You were wrong. Step up. Own it. Say, “I’m sorry Drac and you were correct.”

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The addons you give are excellent examples of what NOT to make the future emoji system look like. I glanced at 2 of them and they are utter garbo and user unfriendly as evident by the lack of users that use them.

Now if the future emoji system is user friendly and can be used ASAP while typing, I bet some players will use it. How many you ask? IDK. The bigger vision that once this becomes a smash hit in WOW, it can be applied to other games, after all more than likely if you play wow, you play other Blizzard games.

Dear Blizzard, please ban the OP for suggesting microtransactions.


Well you have $15 sub fee, then another $4 thats $20 with tax, who would use emojis in trade and pay a month fee lol… you can download emojis for your phone for 99c and have them for ever