Toxicity of Chat - FIX

With the amount of toxicity in chat, the endless political talk, the trolls I been thinking the only way to end this is for Blizzard to end trade chat or enforce trade chat rules.

Games like FFXIV don’t have trade chat at all and their community is about the best community I have ever seen in a online game. Since trade chat isn’t even used for trade chat, and hasn’t been since I can remember in vanilla I would suggest to remove it entirely.

If people want to talk amongst themselves you can do it in guild chat. We have so many functions to find groups that there really is no need for it. The game would be so much better without it totally.

What do you guys think?


I get so sick of seeing politics and boost sales in chat. So very sick of it…


I think you should leave trade chat if you don’t like seeing it. Let other people talk about whatever they want to talk about.


Then do it in guild chat. Regardless of leaving it or not, if it is not used in the function it was intended it should not be there.


Leaving Trade chat is really the only best thing to do.


Think the easiest thing is to leave trade rather than get rid of it as a whole. Only other alternative is to clamp down on what people are talking about and I feel that is worse.


Are you suggesting that everyone who just talks in trade should leave their guilds so they can join a guild based around a specific topic of discussion? What happens if they want to talk about a different topic? Should they just guild hop?

Your fix is just making other people do things because you don’t want to type “/leave 2”.


Adding to that, I’ve always thought it would be a good idea to add a commendation system like they did in Overwatch. It definitely seemed to cut down on toxicity there. You could rate your teammates’ behavior after random dungeons and such and the queuing algorithms could place similarly-rated players together.


I think the issue with leaving trade chat as people are saying is they are hesitant to leave the chat in the off chance there may actually be something in trade chat they want to see. At least that is what I am hearing from people most of the time. The other people don’t know how to leave trade chat.

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Uh, that part is what its supposed to be for.


Problem is, like the report feature on forums, kick system in dungeons, and report system in game, that too will be abused.


“Toxicity” of Chat is not a problem and does not require a solution.

leave chat if you find it unappetizing.

I read the exact same chat as you do, and i do not feel it is toxic at all. I feel it is an indication of a vibrant and engaged community, expressing themselves in whichever way they desired.


That is a good idea. Another one would be for if someone got enough down votes, they would be muted for a certain amount of time, or to up the time between posts on trade chat to a minute or more. If you have something in trade to sell, it really shouldn’t be spammed.

Then a troll guild spams downvotes on you, because the lulz.

Or azmongold followers get you.


5 or 6 hrs straight of politics, or anything straight is quite annoying quit sticking up for it. the internet is funny in that way whatever is popular for the trolls they just can’t stop, you know actually take a break, instead of just making it flat annoying for hrs on end, silencing would be nice for whatever the popular troll is that month would be awesome. i have no problem with trolling but when it is flat annoyance forever ya. i ain’t shutting trade off i do talk to the ones who know how to be quiet instead of becoming just another annoying troll that goes forever that just can’t get enough attention.


True. I used to keep it on despite all the stupid spam for finding groups. Once the LFG/LFR function was introduced I dropped it like ton of bricks.

Occasionally I will rejoin just to see if it is palatable and usually leave shortly after again.

Why not leave trade? Or you know, use the glorious ignore function, if you don’t like what you see?

Also, the BadBoy addon automatically hides messages with certain keywords in them too.


Talks over politics are a major Buzzkill when some people feel like doing some relaxing.


Leave trade if you don’t like it. Your $15 a month isn’t more important then the trade trolls $15.


Again people can always leave the trade chat, that is there for people to use. But as I said some people want to use trade chat for “trading” or asking simple questions to problems they have in the game, or they don’t know how to leave chat.

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