Toxic Community left unchecked

I feel like I’ve been tooting this horn for a while now. With popularity comes toxicity. No company is going to have the manpower to combat that. Not if they want to outright ban 30%+ of their userbase for blowing a single fuse.

That’s not to say people never get banned for toxicity. You just have cases like League where players hold off on the report button because they themselves are probably equally as toxic. Some sort of non-hypocritical standoff.

I like that since i can still use it to improve myself

WoW has only gotten much more toxic.

I think they allow it because Ultimate raiders rely on being able to see how they’re doing and troubleshoot.

As far as the OP, I haven’t seen much in the way of DPS kicks in leveling dungeons, other than DC or AFKs. I’ve gotten kicked as heals for failing to heal stupid. It’s usually a relief.

The SL dungeons are a different matter. I just leveled a lock and saw tanks get salty in SL leveling dungeons when they tried M+ skips that require careful pathing and players who didn’t know the dungeon well face pulled. Nobody got kicked but the attitude was pretty unpleasant.

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Let another heal deal with people who don’t want to use their brains.

also, there are tanks out there trying skips in leveling dungeons?

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Yeah, one group wiped because they insisted on doing the CC skip in mists and of course someone broke the CC and we got a double pull. Another tank rage quit when a party pulled extra trash on the stairs up to Echelon. That special individual wiped us and we had 10 minutes in the queue. A third got salty when the group pulled extra tentacles instead of doing that thread-the-needle path down to Venomblade.


ok i get the thread the needle path since its actually a pretty big gap. but the others require communication.

A new player wouldn’t know they are pathing to avoid tentacles. It just looks like slime.


/10 char

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most of the “toxic” players i have encountered in wow were nothing close to “pro” players

in fact, it was the expert and “pro” players who were the most understanding

most of the toxic players are those who never listened or payed attention and were brow beaten by the better players they have played with over the years and like all bullies they take it out on those that appear/seem weaker to them

but it is an issue, too, if one is a thin skinned worry wart who overreacts to every slight that happens in the course of a play session (or several)

Well there is a really simple solution to your problem. Make some friends or find a welcoming community/guild and join that. Then you you won’t have to rely upon the “finder” system to put you into a group of strangers who may or may not be “well you know what”.

Once you get out of the auto queued content, this problem larger goes away.

I’ve yet to run into this problem. I just came back to the game after a very long break. I don’t remember how to play the classes I was on at all. I still queued into random dungeons in shadowlands (I read it was the best exp route for 50-60). Did less DPS than the healer (sometimes). Was never kicked. I had no idea where to go in these dungeons, so I marked the tank with an icon so I could keep up with them. I still wasn’t kicked even though I was always behind. No one seems to talk in these things. At the same time no one was rushing anyone or being abusive for their damage numbers. I’ve leveled 2 characters from 57 to 60 this route now. Now that I am 60, I have no idea what I am doing lol.


people have said this since vanilla… yet every game is just as bad… its called humanity. we dont all get along or want to. we have different beliefs. different cultures. the pvp vs pve threads point out this glaringly. my suggestion? get a guild of people you like having fun with. there are thousands of makes a huge difference in group content. dont go after who can drag you threw the content… go for who you have fun playing with. the rest will get there.


That’s part of the problem. People come into the forums all heated and many completely exaggerate or fabricate stories to make the point.

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It’s on Xbox?

Sorry, looked in Google again and I guess they didn’t get the port written.

aw that’s a shame.