Toxic Community left unchecked

She shows ppl how to run raids and stuff ya.

I think I was once like a year and half ago tho. For kinda a similar reason to OP.

Ive heard that.

Ah ok. Yeah ive never heard half the names people mention. Only reason i know asmongold is because his face was practically plastered everywhere

I love hazelnutty. Her guides are very concise and simple. Did something happen to her?

Unfortunately the internet isnā€™t a very kind place. If FF14 had continued to rise in popularity the toxicity levels wouldā€™ve risen with. Theyā€™re fortunate it plateaued and dropped over time.

Itā€™s just a given that games will have toxic players. A company can try their best to stop it, but inevitably the toxicity will rise.

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Heā€™s sometimes hilarious sometimes very cringe. I wouldnā€™t want him to be the posterchild for this game tho. ahahahahaha

She is well AFAIK though she looked physically kinda unwell when she did her Dragonflight interview with Ion I think it was. I donā€™t want to like judge. I have struggled with physical illness and I see the signs itā€™s scary when I see ppl get like that. I really do hope nothing is wrong at all and Iā€™m just projecting or something. Iā€™m trying to not cross the line into IRL and judgemental territory.

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I also recognize bellular. Although i hear many donā€™t like him much because he advocates for more casual solo stuff.

I donā€™t have issues with bellular. But I think the main reason is the click bait.

He will take any whiff of something someone somewhere posted on Twitter about the game and he will milk the living daylights out of it for weeks.

I like him because he is Irish lawl :smiley: love him and his buddy Steve I guess? IDK when you are like me itā€™s nice to see ppl online talk and just be chill about stuff I have in common and like like wow. I donā€™t agree with everything he says either, heā€™s a smart guy tho.

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If this is not just a troll thread I suggest giving it more then a couple days. Either you just had to worst luck ever in LFD, or you did something legit to get kicked.

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So you were the guy keeping those servers open :slight_smile:
Saryrn here - carebear since day 1 !!!

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Thatā€™s fair. I do notice click bait titles a lot of the time.

My favorite bit they did was the salad analogy.

Because itā€™s like, there are definitely things worth enjoying about the game, but there is also the other thing.

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Havenā€™t seen that one. Ill have to check it out soon.

Iā€™m baffled about such stories, OP. In all the years I play the game, I only experienced this twice, I think. Fortunately for me, Iā€™m playing with relatives and we are always the majority in the groups (4-5).

But please understand that it hard to judge the situation. If you get kicked permanently out of a group, perhaps the fault also lies within you. We have no access to your performance, the chat log or videos.

Umā€¦ Welcome to America and the internet tough guy. Itā€™s not just wow thatā€™s toxic, its peopleā€¦ a whole lot of people.


Since you do not know the reason you were kicked, because you are not told.

If you would like to knowā€¦
Please post in customer support.
They will tell you.

They had the same toxicity problems as Wow but cleaned it up a while back with a massive wave of mutes, and penalties. They are quite strict. FFXIV is also on PS and Xbox so not all players are even sitting at keyboards.

Add-ons are also banned, as is talking about them so there canā€™t be any discussion of bad DPS. Some players run combat log parsers and Enix looks the other way, but only if there is no discussion of them whatsoever.

In my 17 years playing this game, Ive come across a toxic group only a handful of times. Just this last weekend I did at least 30 dungeons, queuing one after the other all weekend, and never had an issue. You must just have horrible luck OP.


Thatā€™s my normal experience, even when Iā€™m on a new character or alt and Iā€™m bad, not doing so well. I have gotten some grumblies about not doing this or that. That is about it!

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