Tour the Trading Post and Shop For Fabulous Items

Bruh, did I miss the Classic Crimson Tabard or something?? I’ve been waiting ages for that thing and I’ve seen red versions of everything else… Did Camo really drop before Crimson??

Yeah I’m super confused too, haha. I guess its just “here’s the Trading Post”? I have looked several times to make sure, and I don’t see anything new

yea its just sharing what in general it is, not what’s in the next month

So glad I suffered the Plunderstorm event for the Red version instead of waiting for this piss yellow version.


I’ve never used so many healing potions as a Paladin as I have this expansion!

I’m gonna be real it’s hard to get excited for trading post stuff when said items can be changed later far after the refund period.

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i dont see anything listed. is this yet another announcement of an announcement to come? can we like stop with these? or is this like an ad for the trading post for new people? i dont understand this announcement couldnt it have just been a pinned topic?

That’s awesome. You really saved up a lot. Hope we all get some good stuff.

Since Blizzard can’t seem to post decent links, this is what I found:

Yeah they still haven’t fixed that dang sword they turned into a letter opener size…

This months items were a HUGE let down. How are you going to release the beautiful love witch set, a cute summer bikini set, and other actually nice feminine transmogs at the end of an expansion when no one is subbed, and release ugly masculine things August/September at a fresh start expansion? Make it make sense. Literally everything offered in Septembers trading post is terrible. Not a single feminine piece of armor. Whoever is in charge of the trading post choices needs their job evaluated, please.

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This one is a refresh of our original article from when the Trading Post was introduced and is intended to help anyone who is new or returning who may not know about it. The September Trading Post article was published at the same time, and you can find it here- (There’s a separate forum thread too.)

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only 12 casts of our heal to get to max health!

Healing Potions??

Oh those that the ‘lesser’ classes have to use.

  • Most warlocks

Please let us earn more Trader’s Tender. The limited amount awarded each month barely buys anything.

I want to collect all the mounts, pets, toys, and at least some transmog. It’s really frustrating only having enough tender to purchase only 1 or 2 items each month unless I just skip several months to save up.

This is so funny, I watched another of their videos and subbed lol no idea who these people are or what game they actually play but so relevant to WoW especially the pvp stuff.

At least your current mog has you kinda lookin like a necromancer.