Totally Pawesome Druid Macros Tested In Beta and Ready for Classic

Thank you so much for these macros! I’m still dithering on what to main in classic - mage, hunter, warrior or feral druid. Tempted by this post to choose druid. :slight_smile:

This world simply cannot have enough competent bears, kittens, moon chickens, and aggressive yard maintenance personnel (what with all the leaf throwing). Here’s hoping that you choose to give us all one more, my dear.


Thanks a ton for this! How would you modify one of these macros to pounce (or ravage) while stealthed but… shred otherwise? Is it possible in this system?

Do you mean like this? :wink:

/cancelform [noform:3]
/cast [noform:3] Cat Form
/cast [stealth] Pounce; [nostealth] Shred
/startattack [nostealth]

Translated to English:

  1. show the tooltip for the first spell the macro will currently cast
  2. stand up (trying to cast a spell or shapeshift while seated won’t work)
  3. if mounted, dismount (trying to cast a spell or shapeshift while mounted won’t work)
  4. cancel current form if not in Cat Form
  5. cast Cat Form if not in Cat Form
  6. if in stealth cast Pounce, otherwise if not in stealth cast Shred
  7. start auto-attack if not in stealth

Or, perhaps, a single button you can mash to put you in stealth if you’re out of combat, Pounce if you’re in stealth, or Shred if you’re not in stealth?

/cancelform [noform:3]
/cast [noform:3] Cat Form
/cast [nocombat, nostealth] Prowl; [stealth] Pounce; [nostealth] Shred
/startattack [nostealth]

Translated to English:

  1. show the tooltip for the first spell the macro will currently cast
  2. stand up (trying to cast a spell or shapeshift while seated won’t work)
  3. if mounted, dismount (trying to cast a spell or shapeshift while mounted won’t work)
  4. cancel current form if not in Cat Form
  5. cast Cat Form if not in Cat Form
  6. if not in combat and not in stealth cast Prowl, otherwise if in stealth cast Pounce, otherwise if not in stealth cast Shred
  7. start auto-attack if not in stealth

The world of macros is your oyster, brave kitten. Just keep this on loop and tear 'em up in STV. :wink:


Thank you for this; I love me some macros!

I’m looking for macros that have conditionals built in, so I can cast different ranks of my heals, using ctrl and alt; what would that look like in the modern API? I haven’t played since Cata; and, everything has changed, it seems, in how macros are scripted now!

So, for instance: If I push the 3 key, I want to cast my biggest HT; if I do alt+3, I want rank 4; if I do ctrl+3, I want rank 8. I also cannot exist without mouseover; but, I think that part seems fairly straight-forward!

Thanks in advance, if someone could show me what that might look like in script?

Also, I really like delving into the details of macro scripting; but, I’m not a programmer. Are there some trusted resources online that I could be pointed to, that would allow me to learn more WoW: Classic macro scripting, at my own pace? I can Google™; but, it doesn’t tell me what resources are good or bad in the list, only what SEO optimization has been done! Thank you to anyone and everyone who might be able to help in this regard!



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This is the work of the lord.


Blessed thread.

Sure thing. Check this out:

/cast [@mouseover,help,modifier:alt][modifier:alt] Healing Touch(Rank 4); [@mouseover,help,modifier:ctrl][modifier:ctrl] Healing Touch(Rank 8); [@mouseover,help][] Healing Touch

Translated to English:

  1. show the tooltip for the spell the macro will currently cast
  2. stand up (trying to cast a spell while seated won’t work)
  3. if mounted, dismount (trying to cast a spell while mounted won’t work)
  4. cancel current form if shapeshifted
  5. if the unit beneath the mouse cursor is friendly and the alt key is pressed, cast Healing Touch rank 4 on that unit and stop the macro
  6. if the alt key is pressed, cast Healing Touch rank 4 on the current target and stop the macro
  7. if the unit beneath the mouse cursor is friendly and the control key is pressed, cast Healing Touch rank 8 on that unit and stop the macro
  8. if the control key is pressed, cast Healing Touch rank 8 on the current target and stop the macro
  9. if the unit beneath the mouse cursor is friendly, cast the highest available rank of Healing Touch on that unit and stop the macro
  10. cast the highest available rank of Healing Touch on the current target

If you want this all to happen when pressing 3, drag the macro onto the third slot of your action bar. But, keep in mind that World of Warcraft’s default keybindings :heart: the control key. Depending on where you put this on your action bar, it may appear that it’s not working when you press a modifier key. If so, look through the keybindings to see if that’s already reserved for something. For example, if you put this macro on the right-most slot of your action bar in Retail with its default keybindings (supposing it still had Healing Touch), holding down the control key to toss leaves at your buddy would actually just turn up the master sound volume. Whoops!

Here’s a song you might like listening to while doing Elune/Earthmother’s work in Upper Blackrock Spire. :wink:


Thank you, kind Sir!

I’m attempting to recreate my setup, the way I had it in Vanilla; so, I had my ctrl key unbound, as to facilitate conditional casting. Thank you, again; this is a great place to start for me! See you in Classic Azeroth!!

Sorry, one more question? do you need to put a cancel command in, if I want to engage in cancel casting? I was an MT healer back then; and, I was constantly resetting my cast bar. I believe we used to have to use a command, something like /cancelcast (???) to allow for the spell to reset; otherwise it wouldn’t stop!

Thank you, once more! :slight_smile:

You’ve saved me and many others a lot of searching come launch. If only we had a Classic class forum to recommend this for sticky in…

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I can show you how to do this, but I’m going to follow it up with a little bit of discussion. First, the macro:

/cast [@mouseover,help,modifier:alt][modifier:alt] Healing Touch(Rank 4); [@mouseover,help,modifier:ctrl][modifier:ctrl] Healing Touch(Rank 8); [@mouseover,help][] Healing Touch

Typically, /stopcasting is only used in macros that are using abilities without casting or channeling times.

For example, a mage in Classic will find that (unlike Retail) attempting to use Counterspell will not interrupt the current cast. They can pound it in the middle of a Frostbolt cast all they want, but it will only actually happen once the Frostbolt cast finishes. And by then, it might already be too late. So, they would need something like this:

/cast Counterspell

The same would apply to immunities such as Divine Shield and Ice Block. Presumably, you want to use them the very instant you press them, but Classic won’t do anything about it on its own if another cast (or channel) is in progress.

The reason this is ordinarily done only in macros that use instant-cast abilities is that, when pressed repeatedly, they interrupt themselves. This can be counterintuitive to many players. In a period of high raid damage or a severely wounded tank, sometimes we spam the healing ability we want to use instinctively. It’s in moments like these – when every millisecond matters – that /stopcasting can work against your intentions in a way that’s not immediately obvious and get you and your friends in trouble.

Therefore, while you can develop the discipline to only press the button once and consciously do so to cancel and immediately restart a cast of the same spell, I would advise most players to learn to either press the escape key or move their character for a fraction of a second, and then cast again.

Sorry to get on a soapbox about this. Have fun with your macros!


Thank you for doing this!!

Awesome stuff. Tagging for later

If you get forms at appropriate levels Bear is form 1, Aquatic is form 2, Cat is form 3 and Travel is form 4. You should never spec into oomkin so it doesn’t matter.

Druids don’t get a dedicated stealth bar. Useful macros for that are something like:

/cast [stealth] Ravage
/cast [nostealth] Shred
/cast [mod:alt] Dash

Also I’d recommend having a modifier for casting rank 1 moonfire to kill totems or messing with channeled spells

/cancelform [stance:4]
/cast [nomod] Moonfire
/cast [mod:alt] Moonfire(rank 1)

Another useful one on something like a scroll wheel for powershifting Travelform. I mean you could powershift cat or bear but they’re expensive so I wouldn’t necessarily recommend using it outside of niche cases, i.e. when you’re a bear flag carrier.

/cast Travel Form
/cancelform [stance:1, 3]

1 click on a scroll wheel puts you in cheetah if you’re in caster or cancels cat/bear. rolling it puts you in cheetah if you’re in caster/cat/bear and it won’t drop cheetah until the gcd ends allowing powershifting.

Did you verify this in the Classic Beta?

Yes I sure did.

Great! I will update the macros in the OP accordingly. Thanks for the tip! They didn’t give us Aquatic Form with the beta 40 premades.


Thank you, Sir! :star_struck:

Thanks for putting all this time into this post. Extremely helpful. Liked and bookmarked.

Anyway to include weapon swaps in the forms changing macro and somehow having the weapon swap gcd overlap with the form gcd?

I tried a this with an included weapon swap but I have to wait for the gcd on weapon swap to finish before rejuv fires off.