I’ve been doing lots of Twisting Corridors lately and loving the many different epic abilities that ret pallies can choose from. My favorite combo is the epic abilities that allow you to extend your avenging wrath by 3 seconds per hammer of wrath used + having 4 charges of hammer of wrath + the common ability that can stack for automatically popping wings for 30 seconds when you enter a floor. Essentially, I will have 2-3 stacks of the common ability and be able to keep wings the entire floor so long as I keep using hammer of wrath. What I’ve found recently is that if you take anima powers that do anything with your talents, you lose your wings. Sad panda. Not sure if it is supposed to work this way or not but it was a big surprise when I took a talent from an anima power, jumped down from a platform to mow down 8+ adds and then realized I had no wings (not 60+ seconds worth) and had to use my ability. I didn’t understand what happened until the same situation occurred 2 more times in my run.