Torghast has a limited resource called Vitality and Keys for Entry

what part of “your connection has been severed” is confusing? it looks like vitality and insanity operate about the same.

That’s why I said reading the WoWhead page about Torghast was my take on it, otherwise no one can actually claim to know how it works because no one has tested it or seen it.

if it’s time limited like visions or mythic+ i just won’t do it. how hard is it to give content we can do at our own pace?


So for the past few months I’ve had blizzard’s back, I was ok with visions as a temporary thing that kinda sucked but it was ok. I am completely fine with the aoe changes, in fact I think I’m gonna like it. I’m super on board with the covenants. Pick something and live with it cool with me.

However, if the rumors are true and Torghast is gated in such a way. Especially in a way that resembles visions I’m probably out. I pinned my hopes on Torghast and championed it on the forums and irl. I believe an ungated endless dungeon would do wonders.

If this is not the case then it’s the same old thing and I wont be interested.


Why do these developers actively want to push people away from their games?


I was afraid of that I wasn’t gonna say anything

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this is the biggest disappointment of the expansion for me if it’s true. i hope it’s not.

YOU explain vitality.

Oh, wait. You can’t. Because we’re in alpha, and you’re jumping the gun over some data-mining info.

Just hold tight, dude. We’re getting Torghast THIS MONTH. Play it and give your feedback.


Yeah i hate to say it but i might be passing on sl expansion then just wating to see if tier gear comes back first before i decide.

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Ion said he is looking for it to be replayable, just without any rewards when you replay it.

The only complaint from visions.

You had. One job.


They pretty much described them as visions at blizcon. Shouldnt be a shock

We were told the first time we enter Torghast, we won’t last very long. By design. We collect anima, to power the armory. Next time, we’ll stay longer. Collect more anima, more power to the armory. Each subsequent run we can spend more time in the tower, which allows us to collect more anima, gain boosts inside, and make it higher up the tower.

Outside gear will make us stronger, Covenant abilities will make us stronger, and that along with more and more anima in the armory, will give us more time in the Tower run after run after run.

It’s meant to be something we work on over time, not zone in first time and spend 7 hours “exploring” or 30min rushing to the top.


They better not pull an “it’s not timed” because technically there’s no actual clock… only a sanity bar which is a clock without numbers.

We don’t need more speed runs in WoW.


So it’s going to be Horrific Expeditions? Island Visions?


Next to nothing has been revealed about Torghast outside of what was covered at Blizzcon. Ion stated recently that they’re still debating if there will be limits on how often you can go into Torghast and there has been no indications that there is a ‘timed resource’. Vitality exists, but even the folks at wowhead who datamine this stuff can’t tell us whether it’s the same as sanity from the Visions.

That’s definitely what they’re going to do.


Sounds awful.


Timed. Runs. Aren’t. Fun.
I get their importance for challenge style content, but can we just have difficult content that just scales without arbitrary timers?

We’ll have to wait and see until it’s testable, but like…
I really don’t relate “RPG” with “go as fast as you possibly can”.

If it really is just a resource bar that drains as you fail mechanics, that’s a lot better; but I’d honestly just rather get overwhelemed after a certain point because the mobs just scaled too much.


It’s not timed. Not sure why you want to keep spreading baseless rumors.