Torghast Changes Incoming?

true by harder i meant more tedious :slight_smile: now you are like the rest of us…

i too dread going in there… but i have resorted to not going above my gear level/skills…

tho its mostly the anti-afk mechanics that are the biggest turn off to doing it…

That’s very true. As I’ve gotten into the upper layers, I’ve definitely noticed that more and more. The time investment and failure that follows has been my major issue as well.

I think they misunderstood this because the recent changes have gone in the opposite direction. They should have replaced “increase” with “equalize.” They’ve decreased the success rate for classes that weren’t struggling so that everyone could struggle in solidarity.

We’ll see. I certainly hope this happens, but I have to say that mobs who spawn every few seconds and/or that try and gank you after a fight aren’t speeding things along.

Regarding Ion’s quote from the Polygon interview at :

If layer one was like a normal dungeon, and layer two was like a heroic dungeon, but the time you’re getting up to layer six, that’s like… a Mythic +7. And layer eight is more like a Mythic +13 or +14. And there are some players who are very, very skilled and getting gear from other sources who are doing Mythic +14 dungeons this week!

I don’t see why they wouldn’t expect this. The primary reward out of Torghast is Soul Ash, and players are always going to aim for the most of a given reward. Why wouldn’t players want to go for the max ash possible? Why didn’t they list recommended item levels for each layer in the game interface itself?

As far as comparing these to Mythic dungeons, it’s apples and oranges. Nothing in Torghast even compares to even the difficulty of a Mythic0. The only roadblocks I’ve hit in Torghast are broken bosses that spam an ability that removes like 25% health with every hit (looking at the Empowered Imperial Curator). The only recourse is getting lucky enough to collect multiple copies of the anima power that reduces the cooldown on your interrupts. Barring that, you’re pretty much screwed when you get there. The difficulty in Torghast is primarily based on how much annoyance you can tolerate before hitting Alt-F4 in frustration.

Well at least they acknowledge that they screwed up and it was too easy but the system shock of running LAyer 6 with no deaths last week to now running Layer 3 or 4 and barely making it through rubbed MANY people the wrong way.

I’m sure we are about to see an explosion of high skilled players screaming about the dumbing-down of the game, which I would agree with if this was supposed to be difficult content for only highly skilled players. Torghast was created to be expansion wide content to grind on for all skill levels, replacing Island Expeditions in Bfa. It’s supposed to be busy work to keep us occupied between patches, and if it’s inaccessible to lower skill players, because they think its out of their reach, it’s not going to be successful in what they created it for.

There already are difficult game modes for highly-skilled competitive players, and there are higher floors if you want to challenge yourself. But let lower skill players participate in this.

We now have a blue post confirming details of incoming changes: