Missed free transfer?

Did i miss the opportunity to move my characters off Westfall? I have zero options to move the toons, the shop is showing a cost. I did try to reach out on battlenet and ingame, but the days of writing a ticket to be answered seem long gone. I wont lie, flying around the desolate wasteland isn’t that bad, but i know these characters will be dusted next week if I don’t get them moved.

Unmoved characters aren’t dusted, they are moved to a free destination server of blizzard’s choosing. In the past, automated moving made the characters inaccessible for one to two weeks. So if Blizzard moves it, then it may be a while before you can access the character.

I’ve heard that sometimes people have problems transferring if they have a different server loaded in. Like you need to be on the character select screen of Westfall to see the free option.

Don’t have much experience with that so I may be wrong.

Yeah, that’s how I saw it when I moved my old characters I made in vanilla classic on Azuresong over to Atiesh where I’ve been since TBC, I had to actually be in the character select on Azuresong, I couldn’t see it otherwise.

It’d be nice if they actually gave a cut-off date, but still, you wanna get it done sooner than later, so you still get a choice in where you go.

Are you looking in the right place? Use the shop at the character selection screen not the in-game shop. It should have free-transfer as an option if they’re still there from that shop separate from the paid transfer.


They aren’t going to be “dusted.” They’ll be moved to one of the remaining realms. The issue is that Blizzard hasn’t said where that’ll be, and probably pick one where your faction is dead. You can expect a pile of new threads when that day comes. “Came for cataclysm; my realm is gone. I been moved to one where my faction is dead; now they want me to pay a transfer to get off this graveyard.”

Since you and some others are interested; I’ll share an update. I am a dozen dungeons deep into cataclysm, was hoping to have them all done by the time the new zones open, but with only a week left now, might not happen. But it’ll get done, one way or the other, then I’ll be moving to the new stuff to record them as well. This will be the last raid week, so after that it’ll be entirely level/dungeon from then on, wrap up the videos, then retire. (Bookmark or note this as I won’t derail more threads to repeat myself.)

thank you very much

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Dont worry u wontbhave to read those threads because u are quitting.