Top end pvpers do not care about the state of the game when it comes to MMR infaltion

They only care about being distinguishable. The players who do not want you to get your elite set and weapon enchant are ego filled. They want their superego to stay intact by there being a clear distinction between them and you. And what distinguishes them are the PvP rewards they think should require everyday people to treat this game like a job, the same that they do.

They do not care about the state of the game, and they don’t care about you. They only care about keeping their status as the elite players in the game, even if it means no one is left to care.


(post deleted by author)

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It’s often just about consistency and transparency. Being top 10% one season at 2500 then top 10% at 1900 the next is a little jarring and not the easiest thing to eyeball in the context of gauging self improvement.


In other news my castle in Minecraft is coming along nicely but I can’t figure out how to add depth to my boring stone brick walls without using wood.

Any suggestions?

That’s all that ever mattered


You’re assuming that most people aren’t smart enough to know that. Some people just want the rewards. It’s known as extrinsic motivation.

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Okay, yeah, and it’s confusing and frustrating to go from 2600 one season to 1800 the next and not know why other than “inflation/deflation”. Ideally things are a little more consistent.

This doesn’t really have anything to do with gatekeeping or however it’s trying to be spun.


Sure, people should be consistently getting rewards, that shouldn’t need to treat like a full time job like the rank 1 players do. And people who are intrinsic motivated can also get what they want by having an active PvP season.

Hmm. I think that something is being lost here.

Not necessarily, but they should be able to kind of judge how far off they are.


Whats being lost?

I’m pretty sure that the state of the game is important to them considering a lot of them make their income around it.


It would be hilarious to watch people’s brains explode trying to reconcile people below whatever CR they deem “worthy” getting rewards if they were % based instead, because in super deflated seasons like this elite would probably be 2k or something.

The forums would be even more juicy, that’s for sure.

Pushing elite set at 650 cr on Blood. :dracthyr_love_animated:

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Many of them make money from streaming or youtube’n their games.
If nobody likes the game then who is going to watch them play it?

thats a good question

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The answer is: Nobody will.
The algorithms wouldn’t suggest them to anyone.
Not even to WoW players.

oh no! they don’t care! muh feelings!

hidden OP aside, the interesting thing about PvP is when titles used to be end of season, % based rewards, the inflation/deflation wasn’t really something anyone cared about. my first Duelist was 2k CR in s14 back in MoP and that was top 3% of a much, much more active ladder

that being said, the only rewards back then were basically glad-level stuff. enchant in MoP was 2200 and future illusions pre-BFA were 2400 iirc. tabard was 2500 for a long time. elite set was 2200 for a while iirc

anyone below 2k wasn’t getting anything until end of season which i assume prompted them to add the seasonal mount, make the titles achievable during the season, lower elite sets to 1800, illusion to 2100, tabard to 2400, etc.

this is good for the casual player, but when seasons are incredibly deflated like right now, even the lowest tier rewards just aren’t obtainable by the masses. that’s not a huge deal given we are in week 4 of a 16-24 week season, but i can see where it can be problematic for the high and low end of the ladder since the high end is encouraged to sit rating since queing can only bring them down- thus eliminating the possibility of natural inflation to occur- and the low end just isn’t moving at a pace that feels good

it doesn’t mean what happened last season should be normal. it reminded me a lot of s13 when RBG wintrading had skyrocketed MMR to like 3800 which caused blizzard to hard reset MMR for like the second time in the game’s history at that time going into s14 which is what led to s14 being arguably the most deflated season in the game’s history.

TLDR i just think hard-capping early season MMR is the wrong answer. i just don’t know the right one.


if ur saying pvp titles should be how it was with title for next season, i agree.