Top 5 Anti Customer Game flaws

  1. Pathfinder
  1. Timegating is ok to an extent. Blizzard just takes it to the extreme.
  2. RNG again is ok if done right. Blizzard does it all the wrong ways and puts RNG within RNG within RNG. They have no backup method to bad RNG luck.
  3. No real input on this.
  4. Yes. Other than cooking and Alchemy, crafting in general is just pointless. None of the professions have anything that scale with the game. Look at FF14, they add new items every other patch for crafters to make and sell.
  5. The WoW token is one of the best things they added to this game. I wish other companies would also do the same. It can help combat a lot of, but not completely, gold selling scammers.
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target capping*

Sounds like you are playing an MMO.

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The thing is it’s the only real thing for serious m+ players to progress towards. There’s no unique mounts, mogs or titles like there are for mythic raiders and high level PvPers. The only thing m+ players have to aim for is the acquisition of currency.

I agree. The game has been redesigned to enable elite players to sell carries to non-elites who have purchased tokens to pay for them. The beneficiary is, of course, Blizzard. The profits from these game changes must be massive.

The situation will only get worse.

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It’s a win-win for them, essentially. They don’t have to go to the effort of giving m+ the same level of rewards given to raiders and pvpers and that very lack of effort means m+ players become their guerilla marketing team by driving demand for tokens.

Lol, you think nobody ever carried anyone for gold prior to the introduction of the WoW token?


Most peoples end goal isnt to carry people. Its to complete the content.

People used to have to earn their gold, which limited carry sales. Now the amount of token sales has resulted in massive corruption, as raids and dungeons were intentionally redesigned to make them harder to pug and harder to get help from skilled players who used to have incentives to help people. Now there are no such incentives. Coincidence?

Yeah. Say Gallywix was the only one selling gold with a straight face.

How many times do you complete the same content until enough is enough?

They are all fine until they use them excessively
Like BFA RNG on top of RNG with a side of RNG…

And timegates for the sake of time gating is what rubs people the wrong way

This seems that it would be a complaint issued only by those that cannot afford what is being sold but want it. In other words, they want that achievement or mount but cannot afford the market price issued by those skilled enough to get you there. The majority of other players probably don’t care; either they are willing to earn the gold, or they are not even interested.

Five word solution: Take it or Leave it. People have sold caries since vanilla (see Classic if you need a reminder). Probably the biggest thing that the WoW Token did was greatly cut into commerce between professional gold sellers and players. If people wanted to buy the gold, they still would, but they would also be taking the chance of having their account(s) or worse hacked.

Okay, so a month into the xpac when I’ve done every instance 10 times on +15, should I just quit? The progression for m+ is teacup deep, raiders and pvpers get prestige rewards thrown at them, m+ get one or two recoloured mounts.

Carries offer a unique challenge and a wide array of rewards from the gold you get. Selling carries provides something to progress towards. Even if that reward is something as dull as paying for my gametime.

I’ve been playing this game almost since it released. Carries have pretty much always existed.

  1. Most people haven’t done every dungeon on +15 10 times in the first month of a patch, which typically goes faster since you’ve already done the initial gearing / ap grind for max level. Let alone a new expansion. Hell, most people don’t even do +15s at all.

  2. Should you quit once you “finish” it? That’s up to you. You can continue to farm it for RNG bonuses. You can continue to push it further for bragging rights. You could make an alt and do the process again on that character. I don’t care. You find your own thing to do. “Progress enough to run paid carries” is not part of the standard gameplay loop to any sane person.

  3. Raiders “prestige rewards” are a mount (which usually have an alternate version elsewhere) and a title. Guess what Mythic+ also has? Yeah. A mount and a title. It’s the same. Even the boss drop mounts exist in dungeons, it’s just Mythic 0 to maintain the weekly chance, like raids.

  4. Carries aren’t a “unique challenge”. You just outgear and memorize the content with your group until you can do it down x number of players without issue. You don’t do carries if being able to complete the run is in question. If you were in it for the challenge, you’d just run the raid with less people, or cap your gear (like you have to do for that one Ulduar achievement).

You are the outlier.

  1. Lack of celestial skinned Tallstriders.
  2. Lack of thundering skinned Tallstriders.
  3. Only being able to summon 2 Tallstriders at a time.
  4. …
  5. Proffit

You didn’t put the biggest one on there: Not respecting the customer’s time. Deliberately and pointlessly wasting time to pump KPI metrics.

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RNG is an anti customer game flaw? Don’t you play RPGs? Don’t you know what a D20 dice is? RNG is the pinnacle of RPGs, if you remove RNG, you don’t have an RPG. Research Dungeons and Dragons OP.

Multiple unique mounts per tier. M+ gives one mount that’s a recolour per season. Raiders also receive multiple titles per tier, as far as I’m aware m+ doesn’t have a title ever. In addition mythic raids drop fancy transmogs, m+ drops literal dungeon transmogs.

4 manning +15 keys on time isn’t easy. Most people can’t do them on time.

It’s just that easy!

And yet people charge extra to guarantee timing the key.

Why would I want to do something as boring as raiding? I do m+.

Hey, you aren’t a nightborne!

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