Too Overcomplicated to be taken Seriously?

I was sitting at the bar on our roleplay server waiting for dungeon ques while on my alt priest. Some people were roleplaying and I sometimes jumped in with the conversation. A nightelf demon hunter joined in on the convorsation and went on a long spew about how he was an unkillable vampire who’s family decended from pristine royalty but he chose the path of demonhunting to become even stronger and even more unkillable.

I mean I am fine with people expressing themselves but honestly it felt very weird to be roleplaying in a tavern with someone who views themselves as an unkillable god and crazy backstory. Idk most people seemed fine with it. He just went on a tirade and we continued with the conversation after he let it all out lol. Any thoughts or opinions on making a role play character? I am still kinda new to this whole roleplay server thing.

Most people are going to be playing characters that are a little more down to earth, though there are some out there that take rule of cool perhaps a little too far than what’s generally accepted. Under no circumstances are you obligated to RP with a person if you do not wish to, so if someone’s taking their RP too far you’re free to ignore them and carry on.

If you’re new to RP, this link is a great resource for getting started: [Guide] Roleplaying FAQ

Otherwise, I would say keep your first idea simple starting out and worry about fleshing out finer details later. This doesn’t mean you have to start out as a dirt farmer or anything; rather, focus instead on what general role the character fills in society and what their personality is. Then get a loose idea of how they got there and what their general goal is moving forward. Doing that will give you a good starting base to build on. Don’t be afraid to modify details as needed either–oftentimes, RPing the character will give you better ideas on who they are and where they’re going/what they want.


That sounds like the epitome of the classic god-modding “Mary Sue”, sorry you had to deal with that.