Too many bots farming honor

Am I the only one noticing this? Almost every battleground I play has at least one bot in it, sometimes more.

Like just had several games with the same one, an arms reroller that dealt a total of 200k every match

Half of my teammates are bots.

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I had a blood dk tank who seemed to malfunction when i gripped him towards the flag room. He sort of spazzed out then ran back towards mid fight and never once picked up the flag

I have to assume it was a bot

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The noobs are returning.

Nature is healing.


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Blizz can detect bots easily now so I doubt it was a bot


Some people are just really that bad at PvP and they aren’t actual bots lol

Yep. I’ve seen a ton of gathering bots but in battlegrounds it’s usually just somebody that’s inexperienced and/or soft-afking an obvious loss.

There are no bots. Blizz detects it really easy now.