It would be, and I would not be one to advocate that Blizzard diminishes players accomplishments in game by handing out free stuff like the spectral tiger mount.
I suspect there are a lot of people who bought these things that deeply regret it. Because every time they look at these items in their inventory it is a reminder that they did not have the experience of earning them. And its not like you can just delete them from your achievement list or inventory. If you bought it and regret that - you are stuck with that reminder forever.
I’m not saying everyone feels regrets - some just want to tick the box of 500 mounts or whatever… get their achieve points over 30k.
We all play the game different ways and thats fine… in fact I think its important we do.
IMO “many ways to play” is why WoW defies the prediction that every new expac will be its last. I sure as heck never thought I’d still be playing this game after 19 years LOL