Tomorow's Leaders and important People

Well go out and get a job then lol :slight_smile:

Henry Cavill? Or however it’s spelt. Enough said.

murdercarpet is correct here. people who are going to change the world aren’t spending all their free time playing video games.

I mean, the thought of your OP is nice, but it’s not reality.

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That’s like saying Putin or Hussein changed the world in a huge way. Yes, but the world is now in a far more terrible place than before they did.

10 Fast and Furious movies is like doing a renovation on your home and finding black mold. “This is bad. This is very bad.”

Who said all their free time I know several players who come on a few hrs a week. All I am saying is truth is there are famous people playing this game and there are people who will be famous. It’s a game some people play here and there others live on it. You really just never know but the odds are 

hey! I’m writing a book right now, that might end up as a movie, you don’t know!

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You really never do
gl with the book btw perhaps you will prove the point I’m making.

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I must be bored today

That might work for you, but I would wager you don’t know many people who have been top of their fields then. Or maybe you met a few who do NOTHING but one thing.

Even the best athletes in the world have down time and hobbies. Even the most successful of business folks have down time and hobbies. They watch a movie, listen to music, read a book, play a game, go for a hike, travel and sight see, etc.

The idea that successful humans are one dimensional and ONLY do a single focus thing from waking to sleeping is odd. People perform better with breaks and diversions.

What they don’t do, is let a diversion take over their life and dedicate large amounts of hours to it instead of their main focus. See school - someone can be top of their class and still play a video game as a break.

I think the quibbling point here is “all their free time”. That was not what the topic is about. Just that video games are as popular a down time thing as watching TV, movies, or listening to music. Anyone you see might be the next [insert profession].


Keep at it
 the world actually does need more script writers/content creators. My daughter works for one of the top special FX companies (Snowpiercer to the Good Doctor, etc, etc) and they need more/better storylines. There’s always room for talent.


very well put and exactly my point thank you :slight_smile:

Doesn’t “tomorrow’s leaders” assume most of the playerbase is young? I may be, but that doesn’t mean most are. And I will definitely never be a leader or important lol.

Have you seen the company I keep?

The people changing the world have standards on who they’d hang out with, which wouldnt include me.

Some of them probably are working on their manifesto

Have you seen the age of the “leaders” in the US? Most are geriatric. At the very least most are 50+.

There are young company leaders, media stars, activists, etc. But the ones that are running the huge corporations and the govt are not the young ones.

Basically, anyone under 50 or 60 is still not even close to the age of most of those in leadership now.

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I did not interpret the OP as referring to political leadership, but after rereading it that sounds likely.

It was meant general as in anyone stepping up 
out of the crowd doing something big that makes a difference. Political is one aspect only.

We already did?.. :point_down:

Like we discovered like back in 2005, there will be some jerks just spreading illinesses just for the kek of it, like some of them licking toilets for views. And this is also helped us learn what social distancing is pretty much. So it did actually changed the world in a huge way.

I know you’re talking about “Oh be nice to that person” and all that, i just thought taken a bit literal here, would be interesting to bring up.

I rather somebody be honest with their attitude, rather then fake positivity because somebody told them to. Let positivity come natural.

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To be fair, he’s neither a leader nor changing the world in a huge way.

The video alone proves the point of just how many players are out there doing big things. Thank you I had never seen that video before it was really informative.